GLU, or OpenGL Utility Library provides some higher-level functionality not provided by just OpenGL itself. Some of GLU's Features include: Scaling of 2D images and creation of mipmap pyramids, Transformation of object coordinates into device coordinates and vice versa, Support for NURBS surfaces, Support for tessellation of concave or bow tie polygonal primitives, Specialty transformation matrices for creating perspective and orthographic projections, positioning a camera, and selection/picking, Rendering of disk, cylinder, and sphere primitives, Interpreting OpenGL error values as ASCII text.
GopherLua is a Lua5.1(+ goto statement in Lua5.2) VM and compiler. It provides Go APIs that allow you to easily embed a scripting language to your Go host programs.
This package provides an implementation of interpreted string literals, inspired by Python's Literal String Interpolation (PEP-0498) and Docstrings (PEP-0257) and Julia's Triple-Quoted String Literals.
Glulx is a 32-bit portable virtual machine intended for writing and playing interactive fiction. It was designed by Andrew Plotkin to relieve some of the restrictions in the venerable Z-machine format. This is the reference interpreter, using the Glk API.
This library provides Haskell bindings for the OpenGL Utility Toolkit, a window system-independent toolkit for writing OpenGL programs.
GlusterFS is a distributed scalable network file system suitable for data-intensive tasks such as cloud storage and media streaming. It allows rapid provisioning of additional storage based on your storage consumption needs. It incorporates automatic failover as a primary feature. All of this is accomplished without a centralized metadata server.
GLURaw is a raw Haskell binding for the GLU 1.3 OpenGL utility library. It is basically a 1:1 mapping of GLU's C API, intended as a basis for a nicer interface.
This package provides Cross-platform OpenGL
context provider.
This package provides a cross-platform OpenGL
context provider.
This package provides a cross-platform OpenGL
context provider.
This package provides a cross-platform OpenGL
context provider.
This package provides a cross-platform OpenGL
context provider.
This package provides a cross-platform OpenGL
context provider.
This package provides a cross-platform OpenGL
context provider.
This package provides a cross-platform OpenGL
context provider.
This package provides startup code for Android binaries.
This package provides startup code for Android binaries.
This package provides startup code for Android binaries.
This package provides startup code for Android binaries.
This package provides manually written glue code to accompany the jni-bindgen code generator for binding to JVM APIs from Rust.
Multidimensional data visualization across files.
Multidimensional data visualization across files.
Glue is a python project to link visualizations of scientific datasets across many files.
Glutin bootstrapping helpers with winit