_            _    _        _         _
      /\ \         /\ \ /\ \     /\_\      / /\
      \_\ \       /  \ \\ \ \   / / /     / /  \
      /\__ \     / /\ \ \\ \ \_/ / /     / / /\ \__
     / /_ \ \   / / /\ \ \\ \___/ /     / / /\ \___\
    / / /\ \ \ / / /  \ \_\\ \ \_/      \ \ \ \/___/
   / / /  \/_// / /   / / / \ \ \        \ \ \
  / / /      / / /   / / /   \ \ \   _    \ \ \
 / / /      / / /___/ / /     \ \ \ /_/\__/ / /
/_/ /      / / /____\/ /       \ \_\\ \/___/ /
\_\/       \/_________/         \/_/ \_____\/
URL: https://gitlab.com/spritely/spritely-guix.git
Synopsis: Bleeding edge development packages of Spritely projects, such as Goblins and Hoot
Branch: main
Commit: acdeea7f6d5cb03a2b570d3b5ff55a9967322b67
Packages: 2
Services: 0
Subscription snippet:
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        "973D E54C 08E4 ECBB A7AE  2912 8EDC 92AC 17DE 7691"))))
URL: https://git.rekahsoft.ca/rekahsoft/guix-north-america
Synopsis: Setup and management instructions for a Guix North American Build Farm
Branch: master
Commit: 257cc752b506c6c4a48f03d04a4aa4ef0a3aa8bf
Packages: 0
Services: 0
Subscription snippet:
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URL: https://codeberg.org/divyaranjan/divya-lambda.git
Branch: master
Commit: 8fe82a72e07c10c8cf6a1efb7957a5bdb5067b0e
Packages: 71
Services: 0
Subscription snippet:
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URL: https://codeberg.org/akib/guix-channel-emacs-master
Branch: master
Commit: 00a88d7d13c3b4a261a6adcc45058ee0507a0997
Packages: 10
Services: 0
Subscription snippet:
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URL: https://git.sr.ht/~puercopop/glue
Branch: default
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Packages: 38
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URL: https://git.sr.ht/~whereiseveryone/guixrus
Branch: master
Commit: e77e0fdb894886008675fcd06a2ee48da9db8df3
Packages: 651
Services: 9
Subscription snippet:
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        "CD2D 5EAA A98C CB37 DA91  D6B0 5F58 1664 7F8B E551"))))
URL: https://github.com/babariviere/guix-emacs
Branch: master
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Packages: 0
Services: 0
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URL: https://github.com/umanwizard/guix-rust-next
Branch: master
Commit: 04849372a3667c1b9ea28709c5b893e62d82ec51
Packages: 7
Services: 0
Subscription snippet:
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URL: https://github.com/umanwizard/guix-tailscale
Branch: main
Commit: d0b1b05fdcf1407da72db803bf08fa6f223f9bae
Packages: 2
Services: 1
Subscription snippet:
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URL: https://github.com/drewc/druix
Branch: main
Commit: 94cb16e7fe57098a7cc4569d4bf7875c8c586a76
Packages: 3
Services: 0
Subscription snippet:
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URL: https://github.com/flatwhatson/guix-channel
Branch: master
Commit: b62ba3214ed0f781e2d6015044ae8a4a1bd5c7d7
Packages: 6
Services: 0
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URL: https://gitlab.inria.fr/guix-hpc/guix-hpc
Branch: master
Commit: e271267ea93689a86a6729c24416cde0eac746b5
Packages: 321
Services: 0
Subscription snippet:
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URL: https://git.sr.ht/~abcdw/rde
Branch: master
Commit: 783e8fa63c437c0b95d3a5e43a5355ee0c15f743
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Services: 47
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URL: https://git.sr.ht/~raghavgururajan/guix-channel
Branch: master
Commit: 6df278e69fe95df586804548aa10ef4df72f9ca0
Packages: 2
Services: 0
Subscription snippet:
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        "CD2D 5EAA A98C CB37 DA91  D6B0 5F58 1664 7F8B E551"))))
URL: https://git.sr.ht/~unwox/guix-pkgs
Branch: master
Commit: f0a00b05f76ff3ae7586127ae451619f62d1c6cf
Packages: 20
Services: 4
Subscription snippet:
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        "43E6 223B 3497 270A 6162  82FF B675 80AB 5694 9C84"))))
URL: https://codeberg.org/fishinthecalculator/small-guix
Branch: master
Commit: aba225d8bd2e3e8463991f0375bfabd47926df20
Packages: 151
Services: 12
Subscription snippet:
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        "8D10 60B9 6BB8 292E 829B  7249 AED4 1CC1 93B7 01E2"))))
URL: https://gitlab.inria.fr/guix-hpc/guix-past
Branch: master
Commit: 5fb77cce01f21a03b8f5a9c873067691cf09d057
Packages: 141
Services: 0
Subscription snippet:
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        "3CE4 6455 8A84 FDC6 9DB4  0CFB 090B 1199 3D9A EBB5"))))
URL: https://codeberg.org/guix-science/guix-science
Branch: master
Commit: 633c91a9655b5bcbd451948031c59f6279ba437b
Packages: 750
Services: 1
Subscription snippet:
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        "CA4F 8CF4 37D7 478F DA05  5FD4 4213 7701 1A37 8446"))))
URL: https://git.systemreboot.net/guix-forge/
Branch: main
Commit: bcb3e2353b9f6b5ac7bc89d639e630c12049fc42
Packages: 7
Services: 9
Subscription snippet:
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        "7F73 0343 F2F0 9F3C 77BF  79D3 2E25 EE8B 6180 2BB3"))))
URL: https://github.com/attila-lendvai/guix-crypto
Branch: main
Commit: 493900d5af116897e92b17324c2a6075398e32fc
Packages: 9
Services: 3
Subscription snippet:
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        "69DA 8D74 F179 7AD6 7806  EE06 FEFA 9FE5 5CF6 E3CD"))))
URL: https://gitlab.com/nonguix/nonguix
Branch: master
Commit: f0e7c888539a88ffa6f3724e02dad7563f01f103
Packages: 177
Services: 1
Subscription snippet:
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        "2A39 3FFF 68F4 EF7A 3D29  12AF 6F51 20A0 22FB B2D5"))))
URL: https://git.sr.ht/~trevdev/guix-channel
Branch: main
Commit: 3c990b5625b4363cad23577cb53b454085536c93
Packages: 15
Services: 0
Subscription snippet:
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URL: https://git.trees.st/Marie-Joseph/juix
Branch: main
Commit: ab31433641640fad7724e888091de39e1699241f
Packages: 4
Services: 2
Subscription snippet:
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URL: https://github.com/rakino/rosenthal
Branch: trunk
Commit: 0b26a4bf0e6abf10da29900d1fecb38cf79becd4
Packages: 27
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Page: 123
Total results: 70