The Sale Tryton module helps organise and manage sales made by the company. It adds the concept of a sale to Tryton and allows it to be tracked through its states from draft to done. It also oversees the creation of customer shipments and invoices for the sales, and allows reports to be generated that contain aggregated sales figures.
The Sale Point Tryton module allows retail sales to be handled and recorded.
The Sale Extra Tryton module allows adding an extra line on sale based on criteria.
The Sale Supply Tryton module adds a "supply on sale option" to purchasable products. If checked, it will generate a purchase request for each sale line of this product regardless of the stock levels. Once the purchased products are received they are assigned on the customer shipments. If the purchase is cancelled the sale goes back to the default supply method.
The Sale Payment Tryton module extends Sale to allow payments prior to the creation of any invoice.
The Sale History Tryton module activates the historization of the sale and adds a revision counter which increases each time the sale is reset to draft.
The Sale Discount Tryton module adds discount on sale line.
The Sale Complaint Tryton module defines the Complaint
The Sale Promotion module allows applying promotions on a sale based on criteria.
The Sale Gift Card Tryton module manages the selling and redeeming of gift cards.
The Sale Amendment Tryton module allows you to change sales that are being processed and keep track of the changes. An amendment is composed of action lines which can:
The Sale Price List Tryton module adds support for price list on sale. A price list can be set per party or as default.
The Sale Opportunity Tryton module defines the lead/opportunity model.
The Sale Subscription module defines subscription, services and recurrence rule models.
The Sale Credit Limit Tryton module adds confirmed sale but not yet invoiced to the credit amount of the party and check the credit limit of the party when confirming a sale.
The Sale Shipment Cost Tryton module adds shipment cost for sale.
The Sale Secondary Unit Tryton module adds a secondary unit of measure on sale lines. The secondary quantity and unit price are kept synchronized with the quantity and unit price. The secondary unit is defined on the product with its factor against the sale unit.
The Sale Stock Quantity Tryton module checks the stock quantity of the products when quoting a sale. The check will warn the user if the forecast quantity at the sale date (and further dates until next supply) is lower than the quantity sold by considering other sales and the stock forecasts.
The Sale Advance Payment Tryton module adds support for advance payment management on the sale.
The Sale Promotion Coupon Tryton module adds coupon to the promotions.
The Sale Product_Customer Tryton module defines customer's names and codes for products or variants.
The Sale Invoice Grouping Tryton module adds an option to define how invoice lines generated from sales will be grouped.
The Sale Shipment Grouping module adds an option to define how stock moves generated from sales will be grouped.
The Sale Supply Production Tryton module adds a "supply on sale" option to producible products. If checked, it will generate a production request for each sale line of this product regardless of the stock levels. Once the products are produced they are assigned to the customer shipments. If the production request is cancelled, the sale goes back to the default supply method.