go-github-com-xtaci-smux 1.5.30Synopsis: Introduction
Description: Smux (Simple MUltipleXing) is a multiplexing library for Golang. It relies on an underlying connection to provide reliability and ordering, such as TCP or KCP, and provides stream-oriented multiplexing. The original intention of this library is to power the connection management for kcp-go.
go-github-com-oklog-ulid 1.3.1Synopsis: Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier in Golang
Description: This package implements ULID as specificed in https://github.com/ulid/spec.
Features of ULID:
128-bit compatibility with UUID
1.21e+24 unique ULIDs per millisecond
lexicographically sortable
canonically encoded as a 26 character string, as opposed to the 36 character UUID
uses Crockford's base32 for better efficiency and readability (5 bits per character)
case insensitive
no special characters (URL safe)
monotonic sort order (correctly detects and handles the same millisecond)
go-github-com-go-git-gcfg 1.5.0Synopsis: Gcfg reads INI-style configuration files into Go structs
Description: Gcfg reads INI-style configuration files into Go structs.
go-github-com-yudai-golcs 0.0.0-20170316035057-ecda9a501e82Synopsis: Go Longest Common Subsequence (LCS)
go-github-com-cncf-xds-go 0.0.0-20211216145620-d92e9ce0af51Synopsis:
go-github-com-shurcool-go 0.0.0-20200502201357-93f07166e636Synopsis: go
go-github-com-google-uuid 1.3.0Synopsis: uuid
Description: Package uuid generates and inspects UUIDs.
go-github-com-chzyer-test 1.0.0Synopsis: Testing library for Go
Description: A testing library for Go programs.
go-github-com-gorilla-css 1.0.0Synopsis: CSS3 tokenizer
Description: This package provides a CSS3 tokenizer.
go-github-com-nfnt-resize 0.0.0-20180221191011-83c6a9932646Synopsis: This package is no longer being updated! Please look for alternatives if that bothers you.
Description: Package resize implements various image resizing methods.
go-github-com-dave-astrid 0.0.0-20170323122508-8c2895878b14Synopsis: Astrid
Description: Package astrid is a collection of AST utilities
go-github-com-biogo-graph 0.0.0-20150317020928-057c1989faedSynopsis: Undirected graph analysis for biogo
Description: The package graph
implements graph manipulation functions.
go-github-com-gobwas-glob 0.2.3Synopsis: Go globbing library
Description: This package provides a Go implementation of globs.
go-github-com-matryer-try 1Synopsis: Simple idiomatic retry package for Go
Description: This package provides an idiomatic Go retry module.
go-github-com-biogo-biogo 1.0.4Synopsis: Bioinformatics library for Go
Description: BĂogo is a bioinformatics library for the Go language.
rust-git-testament-derive 0.2.0Synopsis: Record git working tree status when compiling your crate
Description: This package provides an inner procedural macro for git-testament.
rust-git-testament-derive 0.1.14Synopsis: Record git working tree status when compiling your crate
Description: This package provides an inner procedural macro for git-testament.
go-github-com-pion-sdp-v3 3.0.9Synopsis: Implementation of the SDP protocol in Golang
Description: Package sdp implements Session Description Protocol.
go-github-com-muesli-ansi 0.0.0-20230316100256-276c6243b2f6Synopsis: Raw ANSI sequence helpers
Description: ANSI sequence helpers for working with raw ANSI sequences.
go-github-com-spf13-afero 1.2.2Synopsis: File system abstraction for Go
Description: This package provides a file system abstraction for Go.
go-github-com-xo-terminfo 0.0.0-20210125001918-ca9a967f8778Synopsis: Read the terminfo database in Go
Description: The terminfo package implements terminfo database reading for Go.
go-github-com-cilium-ebpf 0.9.3Synopsis: eBPF
Description: Package ebpf is a toolkit for working with eBPF programs.
go-github-com-dave-brenda 1.1.0Synopsis: Brenda
Description: Package brenda is a boolean expression solver for Go AST
go-github-com-hanwen-fuse 2.0.3Synopsis: FUSE bindings for Go
Description: This package provides Go native bindings for the FUSE kernel module.
Total results: 1560