python-bwapy 0.1.4Synopsis: Python bindings to bwa aligner
Description: This package provides Python bindings to the bwa mem aligner.
python-rtree 1.0.1Synopsis: R-Tree spatial index for Python GIS
Description: RTree is a Python package with bindings for libspatialindex
python-pyshp 2.3.1Synopsis: Read/write support for ESRI Shapefile format
Description: The Python Shapefile Library (PyShp) reads and writes ESRI Shapefiles.
python-pyowm 3.3.0Synopsis: Python wrapper around OpenWeatherMap web APIs
Description: This package provides a Python wrapper around OpenWeatherMap web APIs.
python-munch 4.0.0Synopsis: Dot-accessible dictionary
Description: Munch is a dot-accessible dictionary similar to JavaScript objects.
python-iwlib 1.7.0Synopsis: Python module to interface with iwlib
Description: This package provides a Python interface to iw wireless tools.
python-pyjwt 2.6.0Synopsis: JSON Web Token implementation in Python
Description: PyJWT is a JSON Web Token implementation written in Python.
python-pyicu 2.9Synopsis: Python extension wrapping the ICU C++ API
Description: PyICU is a python extension wrapping the ICU C++ API.
python-nfcpy 1.0.4Synopsis: Python module for Near-Field Communication.
Description: This package provides a Python module for Near-Field Communication.
python-taggd 0.3.6Synopsis: Genetic barcode demultiplexing
Description: This package provides TagGD barcode demultiplexing utilities for Spatial Transcriptomics data.
meson-python 0.17.1Synopsis: Meson-based build backend for Python
Description: Meson-python is a PEP 517 build backend for Meson projects.
python-beren 0.7.0Synopsis: REST client for Orthanc DICOM servers
Description: beren
provides a REST client for Orthanc, a DICOM server.
python-ws4py 0.5.1Synopsis: WebSocket client and server library
Description: This package provides a WebSocket client and server library for Python.
python-bleak 0.22.3Synopsis: Bluetooth Low Energy platform Agnostic Klient
Description: This package provides a Bluetooth Low Energy platform-agnostic client library.
python-ijson 3.1.4Synopsis: Iterative JSON parser with Python iterator interfaces
Description: Ijson is an iterative JSON parser with standard Python iterator interfaces.
python-cplot 0.9.3Synopsis: Plot complex-valued functions
Description: cplot
is a Python library for plotting complex-valued functions.
python-pyzmq 25.1.0Synopsis: Python bindings for 0MQ
Description: PyZMQ is the official Python binding for the ZeroMQ messaging library.
python-mdurl 0.1.2Synopsis: Markdown URL utilities
Description: This package implements a Python port of the JavaScript mdurl
python-percy 2.0.2Synopsis: Python client library for visual regression testing with Percy.
Description: Python client library for visual regression testing with Percy (
python-percy 2.0.2Synopsis: Python client library for visual regression testing with Percy
Description: Python client library for visual regression testing with Percy (
python-pyvcf 0.6.8-0.476169cSynopsis: Variant Call Format parser for Python
Description: This package provides a VCF parser for Python.
python-redis 5.2.0Synopsis: Redis Python client
Description: This package provides a Python interface to the Redis key-value store.
python-pyxdg 0.27Synopsis: Implementations of standards in Python
Description: PyXDG is a collection of implementations of standards in Python.
python-pygsp 0.5.1Synopsis: Graph Signal Processing in Python
Description: The PyGSP is a Python package to ease signal processing on graphs.
Total results: 3709