Tempel is a tiny template package for Emacs, which uses the syntax of the Emacs Tempo library. You may also write your templates in Lisp.
Beacon is an Emacs minor-mode. Whenever the window scrolls a light will shine on top of your cursor so you know where it is.
Extmap is a very simple package that lets you build a read-only, constant database that maps Emacs Lisp symbols to arbitrary Emacs Lisp objects.
Tuareg helps editing OCaml code, to highlight important parts of the code, to run an OCaml REPL, and to run the OCaml debugger within Emacs.
Eradio is a simple internet radio player for Emacs. Start, stop or toggle custom-defined channels. An external media player like mpv or VLC is required.
This package provides Ecukes, a Cucumber-inspired integration testing tool for Emacs. Ecukes is not a complete clone of Cucumber and is not intended to be.
This package provides an Emacs interface to the Shroud password manager, using the Buffers User Interface library. You can view, copy, and edit secrets from within Emacs.
is an XMPP client for Emacs. XMPP (also known as "Jabber") is an instant messaging system; see https://xmpp.org for more information.
Emacs SQLite is a simple SQLite interface for connecting and retrieving information using the SQLite program through Elisp programming. It is not intended as a user interface.
This is a very simple syntax-highlighting mode for text/gemini documents. Currently, support is not complete, but it should be enough to help with basic documents.
lets you locally override functions, in the manner of flet
, but with access to the original function through the symbol: this-fn
Malyon is a Z-machine interpreter for playing text-based adventure games. Malyon plays version 3 (.z3), version 5 (.z5), and version 8 (.z8) z code files.
Org-Babel support for evaluating nim code (based on ob-C). very limited implementation: - currently only support :results output - not much in the way of error feedback
Pippel is an Emacs frontend for the Python package manager Pip. As Pippel also uses Tabulated List mode, it provides a similar package menu like package-list-packages
Emacs is capable of highlighting buffers based on language-specific font-lock
rules. This package makes it possible to perform regression test for packages that provide font-lock rules.
Mocker.el is a framework for writing tests in Emacs Lisp. It uses regular Lisp rather than a domain specific language (DSL), which maximizes flexibility (at the expense of conciseness).
The Detached package allows users to run processes detached from Emacs. It provides integration with multiple built-in modes, as well as providing an interface to attach and interact with the processes.
This package is an Emacs interface to F-Droid. Its purpose is to aid in the management of F-Droid packages for an Android device or an emulator inside the comfort of Emacs.
Relint (regular expression lint) scans Elisp files for mistakes in regexps, including deprecated syntax and bad practice. It also checks the regexp-like arguments to skip-chars-forward
and skip-chars-backward
The Typing of Emacs is a game for Emacs that forces you to type words correctly as fast as possible, otherwise you will die. The game builds the list of words from the active buffer.
This package provides an E-prime checking mode for Emacs that highlights non-conforming text. The subset of the English language called E-Prime forbids the use of the "to be" form to strengthen your writing.
Loccur is a tool to quickly navigate a file. It is a minor mode for Emacs acting like occur but w/o creating a new window. It just hides all the text excepting lines containing matches.
Skempo is an attempt to improve Emacs built-in Skeleton and Tempo templates. It tries to make a unified syntax for template definitions. It also adds tags and marks support for Skeleton, and Abbrev support for Tempo.
Sesman provides facilities for session management and interactive session association with the current contexts (project, directory, buffers). While sesman can be used to manage arbitrary sessions, it primary targets the Emacs based IDEs (CIDER, ESS, Geiser, Robe, SLIME etc.)