This package provides mappings for the PostgreSQL INET
and CIDR
fields for use in Django projects.
This package provides a facility for configuring Django cache settings with a CACHE_URL environment variable.
Sortedm2m is a drop-in replacement for django's own ManyToManyField. The provided SortedManyToManyField behaves like the original one but remembers the order of added relations.
Javascript url handling for Django that doesn't hurt.
A Django app that provides helper for generating JavaScript catalog to static files.
Django-extensions extends Django providing, for example, management commands, additional database fields and admin extensions.
Django Compressor combines and compresses linked and inline Javascript or CSS in a Django templates into cacheable static files by using the compress template tag.
The main goal of Django URL Filter is to provide an easy URL interface for filtering data. It allows the user to safely filter by model attributes and also specify the lookup type for each filter (very much like Django's filtering system in ORM).
Pickled object field for Django
Django-LocalFlavor is a collection of assorted pieces of code that are useful for particular countries or cultures.
Simple bulk update over Django ORM or with helper function. This project aims to bulk update given objects using one query over Django ORM.
is an approach at making writing template tags in Django easier, shorter and more fun. It provides an extensible argument parser which reduces most of the boiler plate code you usually have to write when coding custom template tags.
This application provides simple, extensible contact-form functionality for Django sites.
is a Django application for handling the server headers required for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).
The Django REST framework is for building Web APIs with Django. It provides features like a Web-browsable API and authentication policies.
lets you easily build, customize and reuse forms using your favorite CSS framework, without writing template code.
This package provides a Django library that logs request, response, and exception details in a JSON document. It can also send logs directly to ElasticSearch.
A configurable set of panels that display information about the current request and response as a toolbar on the rendered page.
Transparently use webpack with django.
The Django REST framework is for building Web APIs with Django. It provides features like a Web-browsable API and authentication policies.
helps you organize the configuration of your Django project by providing glue code to bridge between Django'smodule based settings system and programming patterns like mixins, facades, factories and adapters that are useful for non-trivial configuration scenarios.
Test django schema and data migrations, including ordering.
This project provides tools to help reduce the side effects of using FileFields during tests.
Django used to include a comments framework; since Django 1.6 it's been separated to a separate project. This is that project. This framework can be used to attach comments to any model, so you can use it for comments on blog entries, photos, book chapters, or anything else.