A mini testing helper for Go.
It has a simple interface (
).It plugs into existing Go toolchain (uses
).It's obvious for newcomers.
It also gives you
helpers - because testing panics is ugly.
A minimal QPACK (RFC 9204) implementation in Go. It is minimal in the sense that it doesn't use the dynamic table at all, but just the static table and (Huffman encoded) string literals. Wherever possible, it reuses code from the HPACK implementation in the Go standard library.
Gogoprotobuf is a fork of golang/protobuf with extra code generation features. This code generation is used to achieve:
fast marshalling and unmarshalling
more canonical Go structures
goprotobuf compatibility
less typing by optionally generating extra helper code
peace of mind by optionally generating test and benchmark code
other serialization formats
Helper to merge structs and maps in Golang. Useful for configuration default values, avoiding messy if-statements.
Mergo merges same-type structs and maps by setting default values in zero-value fields. Mergo won't merge unexported (private) fields. It will do recursively any exported one. It also won't merge structs inside maps (because they are not addressable using Go reflection).
This package provides features beyond the defacto YAML library including:
Pretty format for error notifications
Support Scanner or Lexer or Parser as public API
Support Anchor and Alias to Marshaler
Allow referencing elements declared in another file via anchors
Extract value or AST by YAMLPath (YAMLPath is like a JSONPath)
provides a pure Go implementation of Universally Unique Identifiers (UUID) variant as defined in RFC-4122. This package supports the following UUID versions:
Version 1, based on timestamp and MAC address (RFC-4122) Version 3, based on MD5 hashing of a named value (RFC-4122) Version 4, based on random numbers (RFC-4122) Version 5, based on SHA-1 hashing of a named value (RFC-4122)
DOM is a Go package for manipulating @urlhttps://godoc.org/golang.org/x/net/html,HTML node. The methods that exist in this package has similar name and purpose as the DOM manipulation methods in JS, which make it useful when porting code from JS to Go. Currently it used in @urlhttps://github.com/go-shiori/warc,(code warc) and @urlhttps://github.com/go-shiori/go-readability,(code go-readability).
This package provides a functionality to communicate directly with a Trusted Platform Module device. The libraries don't implement the entire spec for neither 1.2 nor 2.0.
Included submodules:
- TPM 1.2 client librarytpm2
- TPM 2.0 client library.direct
- the prototype "TPMDirect" TPM 2.0 API, which is intended to (eventually) be 1:1 with the TPM 2.0 spec
The @codegoxpp library is an XML parser library that is loosely based on the @urlhttp://www.xmlpull.org/v1/download/unpacked/doc/quick_intro.html,Java XMLPullParser. This library allows you to easily parse arbitrary XML content using a pull parser. You can think of @codegoxpp as a lightweight wrapper around Go's XML @codeDecoder that provides a set of functions that make it easier to parse XML content than using the raw decoder itself.
This package implements ULID as specificed in https://github.com/ulid/spec.
Features of ULID:
128-bit compatibility with UUID
1.21e+24 unique ULIDs per millisecond
lexicographically sortable
canonically encoded as a 26 character string, as opposed to the 36 character UUID
uses Crockford's base32 for better efficiency and readability (5 bits per character)
case insensitive
no special characters (URL safe)
monotonic sort order (correctly detects and handles the same millisecond)
is a collection of free-range DNS provider client implementations. It defines the core interfaces that provider packages should implement. They are small and idiomatic interfaces with well-defined semantics.
The interfaces include:
RecordGetter to list records.
RecordAppender to append new records.
RecordSetter to set (create or change existing) records.
RecordDeleter to delete records.
This Package provides a functionality of INI file read and write, implementing features:
load from multiple data sources(file,
) with overwritesread with recursion values
read with parent-child sections
read with auto-increment key names
read with multiple-line values
read with tons of helper methods
read and convert values to Go types
read and WRITE comments of sections and keys
manipulate sections, keys and comments with ease
keep sections and keys in order as you parse and save
This package provides Gin Web Framework written in Golang. It has a list of higliths comparting to similar Martini Web Framework:
Fast :: Radix tree based routing, small memory foot print. No reflection. Predictable API performance.
Middleware support :: An incoming HTTP request can be handled by a chain of middleware and the final action. For example: Logger, Authorization, GZIP and finally post a message in the DB.
Crash-free :: Gin can catch a panic occurred during a HTTP request and recover it. This way, your server will be always available. It’s also possible to report this panic to Sentry for example!
JSON validation :: Gin can parse and validate the JSON of a request, checking, for example, the existence of required values.
Routes grouping :: Organize your routes better. Authorization required vs non required, different API versions. In addition, groups can be nested infinitely without degrading performance.
Error management :: Gin provides a convenient way to collect all the errors occurred during a HTTP request. Eventually, middleware can write them to a log file, to a database and send them through the network.
Rendering built-in :: Gin provides an easy to use API for JSON, XML and HTML rendering.
Simplistic, opinionated logging for Golang.
Collection of compression libraries for Go
Package errors provides simple error handling primitives.
This package handles Redis RDB format in Golang.
Package git is a low level and highly extensible git client library for reading repositories from git servers. It is written in Go from scratch, without any C dependencies.
This package implements a Redis client in Golang.
This package provides tools for handling bgzf files.