go-github-com-gedex-inflector 0.0.0-1.16278e9Synopsis: Go library that pluralizes and singularizes English nouns
Description: Go library that pluralizes and singularizes English nouns.
go-github-com-shurcool-go-vfs 0.0.0-20200502201357-93f07166e636Synopsis: library for accessing godoc.org
Description: Simple client library for access godoc.org API
go-github-com-djherbis-nio-v3 3.0.1Synopsis: nio
Description: Package nio provides a few buffered io primitives.
go-github-com-biogo-hts-tabix 1.4.4Synopsis: HTS Tabix module for biogo
Description: This package provides tools for handling Tabix files.
go-github-com-gomodule-redigo 1.8.8Synopsis: Go client for Redis
Description: Redigo is a Go client for the Redis database.
go-github-com-xtaci-lossyconn 0.0.0-20200209145036-adba10fffc37Synopsis: Lossy connection simulator
Description: Package lossyconn is a lossy connection simulator for Golang.
go-github-com-dlclark-regexp2 1.4.0Synopsis: Full featured regular expressions for Go
Description: Regexp2 is a feature-rich RegExp engine for Go.
go-github-com-golang-freetype 0.0.0-1.e2365dfSynopsis: Freetype font rasterizer in the Go programming language
Description: The Freetype font rasterizer in the Go programming language.
go-github-com-k0kubun-go-ansi 0.0.0-20180517002512-3bf9e2903213Synopsis: go-ansi
Description: Windows-portable ANSI escape sequence utility for Go language
go-github-com-shurcool-go-vfs 0.0.0-20200502201357-93f07166e636Synopsis: Open web browser in Go
Description: Open web browser by xdg-open or other method
go-github-com-openpeedeep-xdg 1.0.0Synopsis: Golang cross platform package that follows the XDG Standard
Description: Package xdg impelements the XDG standard for application file locations.
emacs-password-store-menu-git 1.0.1-0.0b181f8Synopsis: An Emacs interface to pass, the standard Unix password manager.
Description: An Emacs interface to pass, the standard Unix password manager.
go-github-com-mdlayher-packet 1.1.0Synopsis: packet
Description: Package packet provides access to Linux packet sockets (AF_PACKET).
go-github-com-steveyen-gtreap 0.1.0Synopsis: gtreap
Description: gtreap is an immutable treap implementation in the Go Language
go-github-com-chzyer-readline 1.5.1Synopsis: Guide
Description: Readline is a pure go implementation for GNU-Readline kind library.
go-github-com-skip2-go-qrcode 0.0.0-20200617195104-da1b6568686eSynopsis: QR code encoder
Description: This package provides a QR code encoder for the Goloang.
go-github-com-blang-semver-v4 4.0.0Synopsis: Semantic versioning library written in Go
Description: Semver is a library for Semantic versioning written in Go.
go-git-sr-ht-sircmpwn-go-bare 0.0.0-20210406120253-ab86bc2846d9Synopsis: BARE messages in Go
Description: An implementation of the BARE binary message format for Go.
go-github-com-mdlayher-packet 1.1.2Synopsis: access to Linux packet sockets
Description: This package provides access to Linux packet sockets (AF_PACKET) in Go
go-github-com-dreamacro-clash 1.16.0Synopsis: Features
Description: This is a general overview of the features that comes with Clash.
go-github-com-phayes-permbits 0.0.0-1.39d7c58Synopsis: File permissions for golang
Description: Easy file permissions for golang. Easily get and set file permission bits.
go-github-com-goreleaser-nfpm 1.10.3Synopsis: Why
Description: Package nfpm provides ways to package programs in some linux packaging formats.
go-github-com-keybase-go-dbus 0.0.0-20200324223359-a94be52c0b03Synopsis: go.dbus
Description: Package dbus implements bindings to the D-Bus message bus system.
go-gitea-com-lunny-levelqueue 0.4.1Synopsis: Golang queue library
Description: Level queue is a simple queue golang library based on go-leveldb.
Total results: 1560