_            _    _        _         _
      /\ \         /\ \ /\ \     /\_\      / /\
      \_\ \       /  \ \\ \ \   / / /     / /  \
      /\__ \     / /\ \ \\ \ \_/ / /     / / /\ \__
     / /_ \ \   / / /\ \ \\ \___/ /     / / /\ \___\
    / / /\ \ \ / / /  \ \_\\ \ \_/      \ \ \ \/___/
   / / /  \/_// / /   / / / \ \ \        \ \ \
  / / /      / / /   / / /   \ \ \   _    \ \ \
 / / /      / / /___/ / /     \ \ \ /_/\__/ / /
/_/ /      / / /____\/ /       \ \_\\ \/___/ /
\_\/       \/_________/         \/_/ \_____\/
python-pyfim 6.28
Channel: small-guix
Location: small-guix/packages/python-xyz.scm (small-guix packages python-xyz)
Home page: http://www.borgelt.net/pyfim.html
Licenses: Expat
Synopsis: Frequent Item Set Mining and Association Rule Induction for Python

PyFIM is an extension module that makes several frequent item set mining implementations available as functions in Python 2.7.x & 3.8.x. Currently apriori, eclat, fpgrowth, sam, relim, carpenter, ista, accretion and apriacc are available as functions, although the interfaces do not offer all of the options of the command line program. (Note that lcm is available as an algorithm mode of eclat). There is also a "generic" function fim, which is essentially the same function as fpgrowth, only with a simplified interface (fewer options).

Finally, there is a function arules for generating association rules (simplified interface compared to apriori, eclat and fpgrowth, which can also be used to generate association rules.

python-aplpy 2.2.0
Propagated dependencies: python-astropy@6.1.7 python-matplotlib@3.8.2 python-numpy@1.24.4 python-pillow@11.1.0 python-pyavm@0.9.6 python-pyregion@2.3.0 python-reproject@0.14.1 python-scikit-image@0.23.2 python-shapely@2.0.5
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/astronomy.scm (gnu packages astronomy)
Home page: http://aplpy.github.io
Licenses: Expat
Synopsis: Astronomical Plotting Library in Python

APLpy is a Python module aimed at producing publication-quality plots of astronomical imaging data in FITS format. The module uses matplotlib, a powerful and interactive plotting package. It is capable of creating output files in several graphical formats, including EPS, PDF, PS, PNG, and SVG.

Main features:

  • Make plots interactively or using scripts

  • Show grayscale, colorscale, and 3-color RGB images of FITS files

  • Generate co-aligned FITS cubes to make 3-color RGB images

  • Make plots from FITS files with arbitrary WCS (e.g. position-velocity)

  • Slice multi-dimensional FITS cubes

  • Overlay any number of contour sets

  • Overlay markers with fully customizable symbols

  • Plot customizable shapes like circles, ellipses, and rectangles

  • Overlay ds9 region files

  • Overlay coordinate grids

  • Show colorbars, scalebars, and beams

  • Customize the appearance of labels and ticks

  • Hide, show, and remove different contour and marker layers

  • Pan, zoom, and save any view as a full publication-quality plot

  • Save plots as EPS, PDF, PS, PNG, and SVG

python-vcrpy 6.0.2
Propagated dependencies: python-pyyaml@6.0.1 python-six@1.16.0 python-wrapt@1.17.0 python-yarl@1.18.3
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/python-check.scm (gnu packages python-check)
Home page: https://github.com/kevin1024/vcrpy
Licenses: Expat
Synopsis: Automatically mock your HTTP interactions

VCR.py simplifies and speeds up tests that make HTTP requests. The first time you run code that is inside a VCR.py context manager or decorated function, VCR.py records all HTTP interactions that take place through the libraries it supports and serializes and writes them to a flat file (in yaml format by default). This flat file is called a cassette. When the relevant piece of code is executed again, VCR.py will read the serialized requests and responses from the aforementioned cassette file, and intercept any HTTP requests that it recognizes from the original test run and return the responses that corresponded to those requests. This means that the requests will not actually result in HTTP traffic, which confers several benefits including:

  1. The ability to work offline

  2. Completely deterministic tests

  3. Increased test execution speed

If the server you are testing against ever changes its API, all you need to do is delete your existing cassette files, and run your tests again. VCR.py will detect the absence of a cassette file and once again record all HTTP interactions, which will update them to correspond to the new API.

python-afdko 3.9.5
Dependencies: bash-minimal@5.1.16 java-antlr4-runtime-cpp@4.10.1 libxml2@2.9.14 util-linux@2.37.4
Propagated dependencies: psautohint@2.4.0 python-booleanoperations@0.9.0 python-defcon@0.10.3 python-fontmath@0.9.3 python-fonttools@4.39.3 python-lxml@4.9.1 python-tqdm@4.67.1 python-ufonormalizer@0.6.1 python-ufoprocessor@1.9.0
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/fontutils.scm (gnu packages fontutils)
Home page: https://github.com/adobe-type-tools/afdko
Licenses: ASL 2.0
Synopsis: Adobe Font Development Kit for OpenType

The Adobe Font Development Kit for OpenType (AFDKO) is a set of tools for building OpenType font (OTF) files from PostScript and TrueType font data. It includes the following commands:


Assemble a CFF2 variable font from a .designspace file.


Build master source OpenType/CFF fonts from a .designspace file and UFO master source fonts.


Aliases for the corresponding options of the proofpdf command.


Perform outline quality checks. It can also remove path overlaps.


Look in a specific directory, examine and report on all the OpenType fonts found.


Compile and decompile, respectively, a Type 1 font to and from a plain-text representation.


Generate UFO font instances from a set of master UFO fonts.


Read all the font data and build the final OpenType font.


This command can be used to prepare the input files needed by makeotfexe.


Merge one or more fonts into a parent font.


Extract all OpenType fonts from the parent OpenType Collection font.


Build an OpenType Collection font file from two or more OpenType font files.


Converts OpenType-CFF fonts to TrueType.


Apply a Postscript transform matrix to the source font files.


Low-level comparison of two OpenType font files.


Support table-editing, listing, and checksumming options on sfnt-formatted files such as OpenType Format (OTF) or TrueType.


Dump sfnt data from plain files or Macintosh resource files.


Take in a TrueType font and look for a UFO font stored in the same directory. Use the UFO's components data to compose matching TrueType glyphs.


Take in a TrueType font and decompose any composite glyphs into simple glyphs.


Make a normalized dump of the font, or of selected tables.


The tx (Type eXchange) is a test harness for the CoreType libraries but also provides many useful font conversion and analysis facilities.

python-afdko 3.6.1
Dependencies: bash-minimal@5.1.16 libxml2@2.9.14
Propagated dependencies: psautohint@2.4.0 python-booleanoperations@0.9.0 python-defcon@0.10.3 python-fontmath@0.9.3 python-fonttools@4.39.3 python-lxml@4.9.1 python-tqdm@4.67.1 python-ufonormalizer@0.6.1 python-ufoprocessor@1.9.0
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/fontutils.scm (gnu packages fontutils)
Home page: https://github.com/adobe-type-tools/afdko
Licenses: ASL 2.0
Synopsis: Adobe Font Development Kit for OpenType

The Adobe Font Development Kit for OpenType (AFDKO) is a set of tools for building OpenType font (OTF) files from PostScript and TrueType font data. It includes the following commands:


Assemble a CFF2 variable font from a .designspace file.


Build master source OpenType/CFF fonts from a .designspace file and UFO master source fonts.


Aliases for the corresponding options of the proofpdf command.


Perform outline quality checks. It can also remove path overlaps.


Look in a specific directory, examine and report on all the OpenType fonts found.


Compile and decompile, respectively, a Type 1 font to and from a plain-text representation.


Generate UFO font instances from a set of master UFO fonts.


Read all the font data and build the final OpenType font.


This command can be used to prepare the input files needed by makeotfexe.


Merge one or more fonts into a parent font.


Extract all OpenType fonts from the parent OpenType Collection font.


Build an OpenType Collection font file from two or more OpenType font files.


Converts OpenType-CFF fonts to TrueType.


Apply a Postscript transform matrix to the source font files.


Low-level comparison of two OpenType font files.


Support table-editing, listing, and checksumming options on sfnt-formatted files such as OpenType Format (OTF) or TrueType.


Dump sfnt data from plain files or Macintosh resource files.


Take in a TrueType font and look for a UFO font stored in the same directory. Use the UFO's components data to compose matching TrueType glyphs.


Take in a TrueType font and decompose any composite glyphs into simple glyphs.


Make a normalized dump of the font, or of selected tables.


The tx (Type eXchange) is a test harness for the CoreType libraries but also provides many useful font conversion and analysis facilities.

python-rserve 0.91
Dependencies: python-setuptools@67.6.1 python-pytest@8.3.3
Propagated dependencies: python-numpy@1.24.4
Channel: gn-bioinformatics
Location: gn/packages/python.scm (gn packages python)
Home page: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyRserve
Licenses: Expat
Synopsis: RServe.


python-yalafi 1.5.0
Channel: kbg
Location: kbg/packages/python-xyz.scm (kbg packages python-xyz)
Home page: https://github.com/torik42/YaLafi
Licenses: GPL 3
Synopsis: Yet another LaTeX filter

Yet another LaTeX filter

python-patool 1.12
Channel: rrr
Location: rrr/packages/python-xyz.scm (rrr packages python-xyz)
Home page: http://wummel.github.io/patool/
Licenses: GPL 3
Synopsis: Portable archive file manager

Portable archive file manager.

python-varint 1.0.2
Channel: gn-bioinformatics
Location: gn/packages/python.scm (gn packages python)
Home page: http://github.com/fmoo/python-varint
Licenses: Expat
Synopsis: Simple python varint implementation

Simple python varint implementation

python-nmslib 2.1.1
Propagated dependencies: python-numpy@1.24.4 python-psutil@5.9.2 pybind11@2.6.1
Channel: guix-science
Location: guix-science/packages/python.scm (guix-science packages python)
Home page: https://github.com/nmslib/nmslib
Licenses: ASL 2.0
Synopsis: Non-Metric Space Library (NMSLIB)

Non-Metric Space Library (NMSLIB)

python-itypes 1.2.0
Channel: rrr
Location: rrr/packages/python-xyz.scm (rrr packages python-xyz)
Home page: http://github.com/PavanTatikonda/itypes
Licenses: Modified BSD
Synopsis: Simple immutable types for python

Simple immutable types for python.

python-loguru 0.7.2
Propagated dependencies: python-colorama@0.4.6
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/python-xyz.scm (gnu packages python-xyz)
Home page: https://github.com/Delgan/loguru
Licenses: Expat
Synopsis: Python logging made (stupidly) simple

Python logging made (stupidly) simple

python-pyevtk 1.6.0
Propagated dependencies: python-numpy@1.24.4
Channel: guix-hpc
Location: guix-hpc/packages/python-science.scm (guix-hpc packages python-science)
Home page: https://github.com/pyscience-projects/pyevtk
Licenses: FreeBSD
Synopsis: Export data as binary VTK files

Export data as binary VTK files

python-snuggs 1.4.7
Propagated dependencies: python-numpy@1.24.4 python-pyparsing@3.0.6
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/python-xyz.scm (gnu packages python-xyz)
Home page: https://github.com/mapbox/snuggs
Licenses: Expat
Synopsis: Snuggs are S-expressions for Numpy

Snuggs are S-expressions for Numpy.

Channel: rrr
Location: rrr/packages/python-xyz.scm (rrr packages python-xyz)
Home page: https://docs.python.org/3/library/typing.html
Synopsis: Type Hints for Python

This package provides type hints for Python.

python-pyshex 0.7.14
Propagated dependencies: python-cfgraph@0.2.1 python-pyshexc@0.7.0 python-rdflib@7.1.1 python-requests@2.31.0 python-shexjsg@0.8.2 python-sparql-slurper@0.3.4 python-sparqlwrapper@2.0.0 python-urllib3@2.2.1
Channel: gn-bioinformatics
Location: gn/packages/python.scm (gn packages python)
Home page: https://github.com/hsolbrig/PyShEx
Licenses: ASL 2.0
Synopsis: Python ShEx Implementation

This package provides a python ShEx Implementation.

python-fpylll 0.6.3
Dependencies: fplll@5.5.0 gmp@6.3.0 mpfr@4.2.1 pari-gp@2.17.1
Propagated dependencies: python-cysignals@1.11.4 python-cython-next@3.0.11 python-flake8@7.1.1 python-numpy@1.24.4 python-pytest@8.3.3
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/algebra.scm (gnu packages algebra)
Home page: https://github.com/fplll/fpylll
Licenses: GPL 2+
Synopsis: Python interface for fplll

fpylll is a Python wrapper for fplll.

python-cssmin 0.2.0
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/python-web.scm (gnu packages python-web)
Home page: https://github.com/zacharyvoase/cssmin
Licenses: Expat Modified BSD
Synopsis: Python port of the YUI CSS Compressor

Python port of the YUI CSS Compressor.

python-fields 5.0.0
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/python-xyz.scm (gnu packages python-xyz)
Home page: https://python-fields.readthedocs.io/
Licenses: Modified BSD
Synopsis: Python container class boilerplate killer

Avoid repetetive boilerplate code in Python classes.

python-pyudev 0.22.0
Dependencies: eudev@3.2.14
Propagated dependencies: python-six@1.16.0
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/admin.scm (gnu packages admin)
Home page: https://pyudev.readthedocs.io/
Licenses: LGPL 2.1
Synopsis: Python udev binding

This package provides udev bindings for Python.

python-parted 3.13.0
Dependencies: parted@3.6
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/disk.scm (gnu packages disk)
Home page: https://github.com/dcantrell/pyparted
Licenses: GPL 2+
Synopsis: Parted bindings for Python

This package provides parted bindings for Python.

python-cyclic 1.0.0
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/python-xyz.scm (gnu packages python-xyz)
Home page: https://github.com/neurobin/cyclic
Licenses: Modified BSD
Synopsis: Handle cyclic relations

This package handles cyclic relations compared by value.

python24-nose 0.10.4
Channel: guix-past
Location: past/packages/python.scm (past packages python)
Home page: http://readthedocs.org/docs/nose/
Licenses: LGPL 2.0+
Synopsis: Nose 0.10.4, released 2008-10-03

Nose extends the unittest library to make testing easier.

python-augeas 1.2.0
Dependencies: augeas@1.14.1 libxml2@2.9.14
Propagated dependencies: python-cffi@1.17.1
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/augeas.scm (gnu packages augeas)
Home page: https://github.com/hercules-team/python-augeas
Licenses: LGPL 2.1+
Synopsis: Python bindings for Augeas

Pure Python bindings for Augeas.

Total results: 3709