python-fpylll 0.5.7Synopsis: Python interface for fplll
Description: fpylll is a Python wrapper for fplll.
python-cssmin 0.2.0Synopsis: Python port of the YUI CSS Compressor
Description: Python port of the YUI CSS Compressor.
python-fields 5.0.0Synopsis: Python container class boilerplate killer
Description: Avoid repetetive boilerplate code in Python classes.
python-pyudev 0.22.0Synopsis: Python udev binding
Description: This package provides udev
bindings for Python.
python-parted 3.13.0Synopsis: Parted bindings for Python
Description: This package provides parted
bindings for Python.
python-cyclic 1.0.0Synopsis: Handle cyclic relations
Description: This package handles cyclic relations compared by value.
python24-nose 0.10.4Synopsis: Nose 0.10.4, released 2008-10-03
Description: Nose extends the unittest library to make testing easier.
python-augeas 1.2.0Synopsis: Python bindings for Augeas
Description: Pure Python bindings for Augeas.
python-imgviz 1.2.6Synopsis: Image Visualization Tools
Description: Python library for object detection, semantic and instance segmentation.
python-hidapi 0.7.99.post21Synopsis: Cython interface to hidapi
Description: This package provides a Cython interface to hidapi
python-pamela 1.0.0Synopsis: PAM interface using ctypes
Description: This package provides a PAM interface using ctypes
python-pep517 0.9.1Synopsis: Wrappers to build Python packages using PEP 517 hooks
Description: Wrappers to build Python packages using PEP 517 hooks.
python-dparse 0.5.1Synopsis: Parser for Python dependency files
Description: This package provides a parser for Python dependency files.
python-bleach 6.0.0Synopsis: Whitelist-based HTML-sanitizing tool
Description: Bleach is an easy whitelist-based HTML-sanitizing tool.
python-tzdata 2023.4Synopsis: Python wrapper of IANA time zone data
Description: This package provides a thin Python wrapper around tzdata.
python-ndjson 0.3.1Synopsis: JsonDecoder for ndjson
Description: ndjson with the same interface as the builtin json module.
python-msrest 0.6.21Synopsis: AutoRest swagger generator Python client runtime.
Description: The runtime library msrest
for AutoRest generated Python clients.
python-lrcalc 2.1Synopsis: Python bindings for the Littlewood-Richardson Calculator
Description: This package provides Python bindings for the Littlewood-Richardson Calculator.
python-xxhash 3.1.0Synopsis: Python binding for xxHash
Description: This package provides Python bindings for the xxHash hash algorithm.
python-nbmake 1.5.3Synopsis: Pytest plugin for testing notebooks
Description: This package provides a Pytest plugin for testing Jupyter notebooks.
python-awscrt 0.22.0Synopsis: Common runtime for AWS Python projects
Description: This package provides a common runtime for AWS Python projects.
python-awscrt 0.23.0Synopsis: Common runtime for AWS Python projects
Description: This package provides a common runtime for AWS Python projects.
python-gamera 4.0.1Synopsis: Framework for building document analysis applications
Description: Gamera is a toolkit for building document image recognition systems.
python-colour 0.1.5Synopsis: Convert and manipulate various color representations
Description: Pythonic way to manipulate color representations (HSL, RVB, web, X11, ...).
Total results: 3594