python-djangorestframework-stubs 1.5.0
Propagated dependencies: python-coreapi@2.3.3 python-django-stubs@1.10.1 python-mypy@1.13.0 python-requests@2.31.0 python-types-markdown@3.3.12 python-types-pyyaml@6.0.5 python-types-requests@2.27.16 python-typing-extensions@4.10.0
Channel: rrr
Licenses: Expat
Synopsis: PEP-484 stubs for django-rest-framework
PEP-484 stubs for django-rest-framework.
python-django-simple-math-captcha 1.0.9
Channel: guix
Licenses: ASL 2.0
Synopsis: Easy-to-use math field/widget captcha for Django forms
A multi-value-field that presents a human answerable question, with no configuration necessary, but instead can be configured with arguments to the field constructor.
python-django-svg-image-form-field 1.0.1
Channel: guix
Licenses: Expat
Synopsis: Form field to validate SVG and other images
This form field allows users to provide SVG images for models that use Django's standard ImageField
, in addition to the image files already supported by it.
python-django-debug-toolbar-alchemy 0.1.5
Propagated dependencies: python-django@3.2.21 python-django-debug-toolbar@3.2.1 python-jsonplus@0.8.0 python-six@1.16.0 python-sqlalchemy@1.4.42
Channel: guix
Licenses: Expat
Synopsis: Django Debug Toolbar panel for SQLAlchemy
This package completely mimics the default Django Debug Toolbar SQL panel (internally it is actually subclassed), but instead of displaying queries done via the Django ORM, SQLAlchemy generated queries are displayed.
Total results: 52