This library contains the Ruby extension that implements Protocol Buffers functionality in Ruby.
The Ruby extension makes use of generated Ruby code that defines message and enum types in a Ruby DSL. You may write definitions in this DSL directly, but we recommend using protoc's Ruby generation support with .proto
files. The build process in this directory only installs the extension; you need to install protoc
(in package ruby-grpc-tools) as well to have Ruby code generation functionality.
Asciidoctor PDF is an extension for Asciidoctor that converts AsciiDoc documents to Portable Document Format (PDF) using the Prawn PDF library. It has features such as:
Direct AsciiDoc to PDF conversion
Configuration-driven theme (style and layout)
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) support
PDF document outline (i.e., bookmarks)
Table of contents page(s)
Document metadata (title, authors, subject, keywords, etc.)
Internal cross reference links
Syntax highlighting with Rouge, Pygments, or CodeRay
Page numbering
Customizable running content (header and footer)
“Keep together” blocks (i.e., page breaks avoided in certain block content)
Orphaned section titles avoided
Autofit verbatim blocks (as permitted by base_font_size_min setting)
Table border settings honored
Font-based icons
Custom TrueType (TTF) fonts
Double-sided printing mode (margins alternate on recto and verso pages)
Port of arc90's readability project to ruby
OmniAuth strategy for Twitter
The assets for Ember CLI.
Adds Grape style patterns to Mustermman
Tooling for tracing object allocations in Ruby 2.1
Ruby Babel is a bridge to the JS Babel transpiler.
LiveReload automatically reloads your browser when 'view' files are modified.
This package provides a ruby gem for rendering JSON API documents.
This package provides a mixin to add configuration functionality to your classes
Easily create value objects without the pain of Ruby's Struct (or its setters)
This package provides a MiniTest plugin for displaying the slowest tests in a minitest suite.
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Kinesis Firehose (Firehose). This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
This package provides a native extension that can increase performance by about 25% compared to the pure Ruby WebSocket implementation.
This library bridges the gap between the small and fast minitest and Ruby's large and slower test/unit.
provides a complete implementation of the WebSocket protocols that can be hooked up to any TCP library
This package provides a RuboCop plugin that can be used for code style checking of Capybara test files (RSpec, Cucumber, Minitest).
Gherkin is a parser and compiler for the Gherkin language. It is intended be used by all Cucumber implementations to parse .feature
This Ruby module allows you to map simple HTML back into Markdown---e.g., if you want to import existing HTML data in your application.
The minitest-proveit
MiniTest extension ensures all tests to prove success (via at least one assertion) rather than rely on the absence of failure.
Shoulda Matchers provides RSpec- and Minitest-compatible one-liners that test common Rails functionality. These tests would otherwise be much longer, more complex, and error-prone.
This gem is a Faraday adapter for the Net::HTTP
library. Faraday is an HTTP client library that provides a common interface over many adapters.
is extracted from bullet, it gives you the ability to send notification through rails logger, customized logger, javascript alert, javascript console, growl, xmpp, airbrake and honeybadger.