_            _    _        _         _
      /\ \         /\ \ /\ \     /\_\      / /\
      \_\ \       /  \ \\ \ \   / / /     / /  \
      /\__ \     / /\ \ \\ \ \_/ / /     / / /\ \__
     / /_ \ \   / / /\ \ \\ \___/ /     / / /\ \___\
    / / /\ \ \ / / /  \ \_\\ \ \_/      \ \ \ \/___/
   / / /  \/_// / /   / / / \ \ \        \ \ \
  / / /      / / /   / / /   \ \ \   _    \ \ \
 / / /      / / /___/ / /     \ \ \ /_/\__/ / /
/_/ /      / / /____\/ /       \ \_\\ \/___/ /
\_\/       \/_________/         \/_/ \_____\/
python-kalepy 1.4.3
Propagated dependencies: python-matplotlib@3.8.2 python-numba@0.61.0 python-numpy@1.24.4 python-scipy@1.12.0 python-six@1.16.0
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/statistics.scm (gnu packages statistics)
Home page: https://github.com/lzkelley/kalepy
Licenses: GPL 3+ Expat
Synopsis: Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) and sampling

This package performs KDE operations on multidimensional data to calculate estimated PDFs (probability distribution functions), and resample new data from those PDFs.

python-holehe 1.60.3
Propagated dependencies: python-beautifulsoup4@4.12.3 python-colorama@0.4.6 python-httpx@0.28.1 python-termcolor@2.5.0 python-tqdm@4.67.1 python-trio@0.28.0
Channel: guixrus
Location: guixrus/packages/common/python.scm (guixrus packages common python)
Home page: https://github.com/megadose/holehe
Licenses: GPL 3+
Synopsis: Efficiently finding registered accounts from emails

python-holehe checks if an email is attached to an account on sites like twitter, instagram, imgur and more than 120 others.

python-a2wsgi 1.10.7
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/python-web.scm (gnu packages python-web)
Home page: https://github.com/abersheeran/a2wsgi
Licenses: ASL 2.0
Synopsis: Convert WSGI to ASGI or vice versa

This program converts a WSGI program to an ASGI program or the other way around. It depends only on the Python standard library.

python-parsel 1.8.1
Propagated dependencies: python-cssselect@1.2.0 python-jmespath@1.0.1 python-lxml@4.9.1 python-typing-extensions@4.12.2 python-w3lib@2.1.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/python-web.scm (gnu packages python-web)
Home page: https://github.com/scrapy/parsel
Licenses: Modified BSD
Synopsis: Extract data from HTML and XML using XPath and CSS selectors

Parsel is a library to extract and remove data from HTML and XML using XPath and CSS selectors, optionally combined with regular expressions.

python-cogapp 3.3.0
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/python-xyz.scm (gnu packages python-xyz)
Home page: https://nedbatchelder.com/code/cog
Licenses: Expat
Synopsis: Content generation tool that leverages Python

Cog is a file generation tool. It allows using pieces of Python code as generators in your source files to generate arbitrary text.

python-xcffib 1.5.0
Dependencies: libxcb@1.17.0
Propagated dependencies: python-cffi@1.17.1 python-six@1.16.0
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/xorg.scm (gnu packages xorg)
Home page: https://github.com/tych0/xcffib
Licenses: Expat
Synopsis: XCB Python bindings

Xcffib is a replacement for xpyb, an XCB Python bindings. It adds support for Python 3 and PyPy. It is based on cffi.

python-mudata 0.3.1
Propagated dependencies: python-anndata@0.11.1 python-h5py@3.8.0 python-pandas@2.2.3
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/bioinformatics.scm (gnu packages bioinformatics)
Home page: https://github.com/scverse/mudata
Licenses: Modified BSD
Synopsis: Python package for multi-omics data analysis

Mudata is a Python package for multi-omics data analysis. It is designed to provide functionality to load, process, and store multimodal omics data.

python-pypika 0.47.6
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/databases.scm (gnu packages databases)
Home page: https://github.com/kayak/pypika
Licenses: ASL 2.0
Synopsis: SQL query builder API for Python

PyPika is a python SQL query builder that exposes the full richness of the SQL language using a syntax that reflects the resulting query.

python-clingo 5.7.1
Dependencies: clingo@5.7.1 python-wrapper@3.10.7
Propagated dependencies: python-cffi@1.17.1
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/potassco.scm (gnu packages potassco)
Home page: https://potassco.org/
Licenses: Expat
Synopsis: Python bindings for clingo

This package provides Python bindings to the clingo package, making it so that you can write ASPs through Python code.

python-branca 0.7.2
Propagated dependencies: python-jinja2@3.1.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/python-web.scm (gnu packages python-web)
Home page: https://github.com/python-visualization/branca
Licenses: Expat
Synopsis: Generate complex HTML+JS pages with Python

This library is a spinoff from folium that would host the non-map-specific features. It can be used to generate HTML + JS.

python-owslib 0.19.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/python-xyz.scm (gnu packages python-xyz)
Home page: https://geopython.github.io/OWSLib/
Licenses: Modified BSD
Synopsis: Interface for Open Geospatial Consortium web service

OWSLib is a Python package for client programming with Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) web service (hence OWS) interface standards, and their related content models.

python-traits 6.4.3
Channel: guix-science
Location: guix-science/packages/neuroscience.scm (guix-science packages neuroscience)
Home page: https://docs.enthought.com/traits/
Licenses: Modified BSD
Synopsis: Observable typed attributes for Python classes

The Traits library is designed to enhance object-oriented programming in Python by providing a way to define and manage attributes of objects more effectively.

python-mt-940 4.23.0
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/finance.scm (gnu packages finance)
Home page: https://mt940.readthedocs.io/
Licenses: Modified BSD
Synopsis: Python parser for MT940-encoded SWIFT data

A library to parse MT940 files, a bank account statement exchange format used by SWIFT. It returns smart Python collections for statistics and manipulation.

python-sfdlib 1.2.3
Propagated dependencies: python-ufolib2@0.13.1
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/fontutils.scm (gnu packages fontutils)
Home page: https://github.com/aliftype/sfdLib
Licenses: Modified BSD
Synopsis: Simple SFD to UFO converter

This package provides the sfd2ufo command, a converter from FontForge’s SFD fonts to UFO fonts.

python-climin 0.1a1
Propagated dependencies: python-numpydoc@1.5.0 python-numpy@1.24.4 python-scipy@1.12.0
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/python-science.scm (gnu packages python-science)
Home page: https://github.com/BRML/climin
Licenses: Modified BSD
Synopsis: Optimization for machine learning

climin is a Python package for optimization, heavily biased to machine learning scenarios. It works on top of numpy and (partially) gnumpy.

python-aiodns 3.0.0
Propagated dependencies: python-pycares@4.3.0
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/python-web.scm (gnu packages python-web)
Home page: https://github.com/saghul/aiodns
Licenses: Expat
Synopsis: Simple DNS resolver for asyncio

aiodns provides a simple way for doing asynchronous DNS resolutions with a synchronous looking interface by using pycares.

python-dotenv 0.20.0
Propagated dependencies: python-click@8.1.7
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/python-xyz.scm (gnu packages python-xyz)
Home page: https://saurabh-kumar.com/python-dotenv/
Licenses: Modified BSD
Synopsis: Setup environment variables according to .env files

This package provides the python-dotenv Python module to read key-value pairs from a .env file and set them as environment variables.

python-pyhull 2015.2.1
Propagated dependencies: python-numpy@1.24.4
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/python-xyz.scm (gnu packages python-xyz)
Home page: https://github.com/materialsvirtuallab/pyhull
Licenses: Expat
Synopsis: Python wrapper to Qhull

This package provides a Python wrapper to Qhull for the computation of the convex hull, Delaunay triangulation, and Voronoi diagram.

python-dotenv 0.13.0
Propagated dependencies: python-click@8.1.7
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/python-xyz.scm (gnu packages python-xyz)
Home page: https://saurabh-kumar.com/python-dotenv/
Licenses: Modified BSD
Synopsis: Setup environment variables according to .env files

This package provides the python-dotenv Python module to read key-value pairs from a .env file and set them as environment variables.

python-pypeg2 2.15.2
Propagated dependencies: python-lxml@4.9.1
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/python-xyz.scm (gnu packages python-xyz)
Home page: https://fdik.org/pyPEG/
Licenses: GPL 2
Synopsis: Parsing Expression Grammars in Python

PyPEG is an intrinsic parser interpreter framework for Python. It is based on Parsing Expression Grammars, PEG. With pyPEG you can parse many formal languages.

Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/xml.scm (gnu packages xml)
Home page: http://pyxb.sourceforge.net
Licenses: ASL 2.0 Expat GPL 2 Python Software Foundation License
Synopsis: Python XML Schema Bindings

PyXB-X ("pixbix") is a pure Python package that generates Python source code for classes that correspond to data structures defined by XMLSchema.

python-brian2 2.4.2
Propagated dependencies: python-cython@0.29.32 python-jinja2@3.1.2 python-numpy@1.24.4 python-pyparsing@3.0.6 python-setuptools@67.6.1 python-sympy@1.13.3
Channel: guix-hpc
Location: inria/staging.scm (inria staging)
Home page: http://www.briansimulator.org/
Licenses: CeCILL
Synopsis: Clock-driven simulator for spiking neural networks

Brian is a simulator for spiking neural networks, written in Python. It is designed to be easy to learn and use, highly flexible and easily extensible.

python-nbxmpp 5.0.4
Dependencies: glib@2.78.0 glib-networking@2.76.1 libsoup-minimal@3.4.4 python-gssapi@1.8.2 python-idna@3.3 python-packaging@24.2 python-precis-i18n@1.0.3 python-pygobject@3.47.0
Channel: ngapsh
Location: pnkp/guix/packages/messaging.scm (pnkp guix packages messaging)
Home page: https://dev.gajim.org/gajim/python-nbxmpp
Licenses: GPL 3+
Synopsis: Non-blocking XMPP Module

Python-nbxmpp is a Python library that provides a way for Python applications to use the XMPP network. This library was initially a fork of xmpppy.

python-pytest 4.6.11
Propagated dependencies: python-attrs-bootstrap@24.2.0 python-iniconfig@1.1.1 python-packaging-bootstrap@24.2 python-exceptiongroup@1.1.1 python-pluggy@1.5.0 python-py@1.11.0 python-tomli@2.1.0
Channel: gn-bioinformatics
Location: gn/packages/python.scm (gn packages python)
Home page: https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/
Licenses: Expat
Synopsis: Python testing library

Pytest is a testing tool that provides auto-discovery of test modules and functions, detailed info on failing assert statements, modular fixtures, and many external plugins.

Total results: 3709