This package provides some macros and general doodads for typesetting poetry. There is, of course, already the excellent verse
package, and the poetrytex
package provides some extra functionality on top of it. But poetry
provides much of the same functionality in a bit of a different way, and with a few additional abilities, such as facilities for a list of poems, an index of first lines, and some structural commands.
In the discrete branches of mathematics and the computer sciences, it will only take some seconds before you're faced with a set like {1,...,m}. Some people write $1\ldotp\ldotp m$, others $\j:1\leq j\leq m\$, and the journal you're submitting to might want something else entirely. The 12many
package provides an interface that makes changing from one to another a one-line change.
The package provides basic arithmetic operations to 8 decimal places for plain TeX or LaTeX. Results are exact when they fit within the digit limits. Along with the basic package is an optional extension that adds computation of sin, cos, log, sqrt, exp, powers and angles. These are also exact when theoretically possible and are otherwise accurate to at least 7 decimal places. In addition, the package provides a stack-based programming environment.
This little package serves the purpose of providing a uniform method to use lowercased small capitals and spaced lowercased small capitals. It comes with four new user macros:
, the main feature: lowercased small capitals;\spacedcaps
, a prefix to small capitals text commands to slightly increase their spacing;\textslcc
, which are shortcuts for\spacedcaps\textlcc
The package provides a means of reading Asymptote figures from separate files, rather than within the document, as is standard in the asymptote
package, which is provided as part of the Asymptote bundle. The Asymptote way can prove cumbersome in a large document; the present package allows the user to process one picture at a time, in simple test documents, and then to migrate (with no fuss) to their use in the target document.
This package provides a macro package for use with epsf.tex
which allows PostScript labels in an Encapsulated PostScript file to be replaced by TeX labels. The package provides commands \relabel
(simply replace a PostScript string), \adjustrelabel
(replace a PostScript string, with position adjustment), and \extralabel
(add a label at given coordinates). You can, if you so choose, use the facilities of the labelfig
package in place of using \extralabel
This package provides an extended version of the plain TeX format, adding support for bibliographies, tables of contents, enumerated lists, verbatim input of files, numbered equations, tables, two-column output, footnotes, hyperlinks in PDF output and commutative diagrams. Eplain can also load some of the more useful LaTeX packages, notably graphics
, graphicx
(an extended version of graphics), color
, autopict
(a package instance of the LaTeX picture code), psfrag
, and url
FigBib lets you organize your figures in BibTeX databases. Some FigBib features are:
store and manage figures in a BibTeX database;
Include figures in your LaTeX document with one short command;
generate a list of figures containing more or other information than the figure captions;
control with one switch where to output the figures, either as usual float objects or in a separate part at the end of your document.
This package attempts to make it easy for even a LaTeX novice to prepare proficiency tests, especially in combination with the exam
document class. Thus, almost all command names are very similar. After defining skills in the preamble or in an external file, they are declared using labels, and can optionally be set as global skills. A skills table is generated to summarize the evaluated competencies and to allow for writing down the resulting proficiency level.
The class design offers:
direct support for collaborative development of an exam, using a model in which a departmental exams convener or exam chair coordinates multiple authors writing individual questions (the class file and associated process is in regular use within a physics and astronomy department);
all of the traditional exam paper features such as sectioning, per-part running marks, ``Question n continued'' catchwords, and so on;
readily configured local adaptation.
The package provides support for the manipulation and reference of small or sub figures and tables within a single figure or table environment. It is convenient to use this package when your subfigures are to be separately captioned, referenced, or are to be included in the List-of-Figures. A new \subfigure
command is introduced which can be used inside a figure environment for each subfigure. An optional first argument is used as the caption for that subfigure.
This is qstest
bundle, which contains the packages makematch
for matching patterns to targets (with a generalization in the form of pattern lists and keyword lists), and qstest
for performing unit tests, allowing the user to run a number of logged tests ensuring the consistency of values, properties and call sequences during execution of test code. Both packages make extensive use of in their package documentation, providing illustrated examples that are automatically verified to work as expected.
This LaTeX package automatically randomly permutes the order of questions as well as the answer options in different versions of a multiple choice exam/test. Next to the exam versions themselves, the package also allows printing a concept version of the exam, a key table with the correct answers or points, and a document with solutions and explanations per exam version. The package also allows writing an R code which processes the results of the exam and calculates the grades.
This package integrates the letter
class with fancyhdr
and geometry
to automatically make letterhead stationery. It is useful for writing letters, fax, and memos. You can set up an address book using wrapper macros. You put all the information for a person into a wrapper and then put the wrapper in a document. The class handles letterheads automatically. You place the object for the letterhead (picture, information, etc.) in a box and all sizing is set automatically.
The package provides four core functions: data storage and display, data filtering, data sorting and data display. All data is saved once and then you can display these data with custom filters, orders and styles. The package can be used, for example, to record and display something you'd like to review, maybe the question you always answered incorrectly or some forgettable knowledge. But obviously, the package is much more powerful and extensible for more interesting tasks depending on the individual.
Plnfss is a set of macros to provide easy font access (somewhat similar to NFSS but with some limitations) with Plain TeX. Plnfss can automatically make use of PSNFSS fd
files, i.e., when an Adobe Type 1 is used the relevant fd
file will be loaded automatically. For cmr
-like fonts (ec
, vnr
, csr
or plr
fonts), a special format called pfd
(plain fd
) is required and must be loaded manually.
The package creates three environments: framed
, which puts an ordinary frame box around the region, shaded
, which shades the region, and leftbar
, which places a line at the left side. The environments allow a break at their start (the \FrameCommand
enables creation of a title that is “attached” to the environment); breaks are also allowed in the course of the framed/shaded matter. There is also a command \MakeFramed
to make your own framed-style environments.
This package provides a portable computer algebra system capable of symbolic computation, written entirely in Lua, designed for use in LuaLaTeX. Its features are: arbitrary-precision integer and rational arithmetic, factoring of univariate polynomials over the rationals and finite fields, number theoretic algorithms, symbolic differentiation and integration, and more. The target audience for this package are mathematics students, instructors, and professionals who would like some ability to perform basic symbolic computations within LaTeX without the need for laborious and technical setup.
The original amscd
package provides a CD
environment that emulates the commutative diagram capabilities of AMS-TeX version 2.x. This means that only simple rectangular diagrams are supported, with no diagonal arrows or more exotic features. This enhancement package implements double, dashed, and bidirectional arrows (left-right and up-down), and color attributes for arrows and their annotations. The restriction to rectangular geometry remains. This nevertheless allows the drawing of a much broader class of commutative diagrams and alike.
The package can generate thumb indexes for your document. It features printing thumb indexes on one- or two-sided pages, along with background- and foreground-color selection and full LaTeX styling of the chapter numbers in the thumb indexes. The height of each thumb index is automatically chosen based on the number of chapters in your document, while the width is chosen by the user. The package is designed to work with the memoir
class, and also requires PerlTeX and TikZ.
This package consists of prerex.sty
, a LaTeX package for producing charts of course nodes linked by arrows representing pre- and co-requisites, and prerex
, an interactive program for creating and editing chart descriptions. The implementation of prerex.sty
uses PGF, so that it may be used equally happily with LaTeX or PDFLaTeX; prerex
itself is written in C. The package includes source code for a previewer application, a lightweight Qt-4 and Poppler-based prerex-enabled PDF viewer.
is a Perl script that facilitates producing PostScript Type 1 fonts from a Metafont source file. It is not, as the name may imply, an automatic converter of arbitrary Metafont fonts to Type 1 format. mf2pt1
imposes a number of restrictions on the Metafont input. If these restrictions are met, it will produce valid Type 1 output with more accurate control points than can be reverse-engineered by TeXtrace, mftrace
, and other programs which convert bitmaps to outline fonts.
The Israel Journal of Mathematics is published by The Hebrew University Magnes Press. This class provides LaTeX support for its authors and editors. It strives to achieve the distinct look and feel of the journal, while having the interface similar to that of the amsart
document class. This will help authors already familiar with amsart
to easily submit manuscripts for the Israel Journal of Mathematics or to put the preprints in arXiv with minimal changes in the LaTeX source.
The package offers tools to experiment with tagging and accessibility using pdfLaTeX and LuaTeX. It isn't meant for production but allows the user to try out how difficult it is to tag some structures; to try out how much tagging is really needed; to test what else is needed so that a PDF works e.g., with a screen reader. Its goal is to get a feeling for what has to be done, which kernel changes are needed, how packages should be adapted.