DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader automates the definition of a DBIx::Class::Schema by scanning database table definitions and setting up the columns, primary keys, unique constraints and relationships.
This module extends the functionality of Lingua::EN::Inflect with three new functions for determining plurality of a word and forcefully converting a word to singular or plural.
Simply loading this module makes your constructors "strict". If your constructor is called with an attribute init argument that your class does not declare, then it calls Moose->throw_error().
This package is a companion module to DateTime.pm
. It implements the Julian calendar. It supports everything that DateTime.pm
supports and more: about one day per century more, to be precise.
LWP::UserAgent::Determined works just like LWP::UserAgent, except that when you use it to get a web page but run into a possibly-temporary error (like a DNS lookup timeout), it'll wait a few seconds and retry a few times.
This module provides a simple profiler for Raku grammars. To enable profiling simply add use Grammar::Profiler::Simple;
to your code. Any grammar in the lexical scope of the use statement will automatically have profiling information collected when the grammar is used.
This module implements most of `strptime(3)`, the POSIX function that is the reverse of `strftime(3)`, for `DateTime`. While `strftime` takes a `DateTime` and a pattern and returns a string, `strptime` takes a string and a pattern and returns the `DateTime` object associated.
calculates percentage points (5 significant digits) of the u (standard normal) distribution, the student's t distribution, the chi-square distribution and the F distribution. It can also calculate the upper probability (5 significant digits) of the u (standard normal), the chi-square, the t and the F distribution.
Sub::Exporter is an incredibly powerful module, but with that power comes great responsibility, as well as some runtime penalties. This module is a "Sub::Exporter" wrapper that will let your users just use Exporter if all they are doing is picking exports, but use "Sub::Exporter" if your users try to use "Sub::Exporter"'s more advanced features, like renaming exports, if they try to use them.
The package provides a number of useful typemaps as submodules of ExtUtils::Typemaps.
This module provides methods to compile a log format string to perl-code, for faster generation of access_log lines.
Glib::Object::Introspection uses the gobject-introspection and libffi projects to dynamically create Perl bindings for a wide variety of libraries. Examples include gtk+, webkit, libsoup and many more.
This module allows your to run your Plack::Test tests against an external server instead of just against a local application through either mocked HTTP or a locally spawned server.
This Catalyst plugin enables you to create "access logs" from within a Catalyst application instead of requiring a webserver to do it for you. It will work even with Catalyst debug logging turned off.
Automatically set and update fields with values calculated at runtime. Ipdate or create actions will set the specified columns to the value returned by the callback you specified as a method name or code reference.
This module provides convenience methods that let you easily create DateTime::Set objects for various recurrences, such as "once a month" or "every day". You can also create more complicated recurrences, such as "every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday at 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM".
This module creates a customized, highly efficient parameter checking subroutine. It can handle named or positional parameters, and can return the parameters as key/value pairs or a list of values. In addition to type checks, it also supports parameter defaults, optional parameters, and extra "slurpy" parameters.
Plack::Middleware::Deflater is a middleware to encode your response body in gzip or deflate, based on "Accept-Encoding" HTTP request header. It would save the bandwidth a little bit but should increase the Plack server load, so ideally you should handle this on the frontend reverse proxy servers.
Because Moose roles serve many different masters, they usually provide only the least common denominator of functionality. To empower roles further, more configurability than -alias and -excludes is required. Perhaps your role needs to know which method to call when it is done processing, or what default value to use for its url attribute. Parameterized roles offer a solution to these (and other) kinds of problems.
This module is a factory for dispensing Tree::Simple::Visitor::* objects.
This is a Catalyst Model for DBIx::Class::Schema-based Models.
This module allows you to manage a set of deprecations for one or more modules.
MooseX::Types::LoadableClass provides a ClassName type constraint with coercion to load the class.
This Catalyst action implements a sensible default end action, which will forward to the first available view.