erlang-stringprep 1.0.30Synopsis: Fast Stringprep Erlang/Elixir implementation
Description: This package provides fast Stringprep Erlang/Elixir implementation.
erlang-bbmustache 1.12.2Synopsis: Binary pattern match Based Mustache template engine for Erlang
Description: This Erlang library provides a Binary pattern match Based Mustache template engine
erlang-katana-code 2.0.0Synopsis: Functions useful for processing Erlang code.
Description: This package provides functions useful for processing Erlang code.
tree-sitter-erlang 0.4.0-0.57e6951Synopsis: Tree-sitter Erlang grammar
Description: This package provides a Erlang grammar for the Tree-sitter library.
erlang-supervisor3 1.1.11Synopsis: A copy of supervisor.erl from the R16B Erlang/OTP with modifications
Description: This package provides a copy of supervisor.erl from the R16B Erlang/OTP with modifications
erlang-parse-trans 3.4.2Synopsis: Parse transform utilities for Erlang
Description: This package captures some useful patterns in parse transformation and code generation for Erlang.
For example generating standardized accessor functions for records or evaluating an expression at compile-time and substitute the result as a compile-time constant.
erlang-cth-readable 1.6.0Synopsis: Common Test hooks for more readable logs for Erlang
Description: This package provides an OTP library to be used for CT log outputs you want to be readable around all that noise they contain.
erlang-provider-asn1 0.3.0Synopsis: Compile ASN.1 with Rebar3
Description: This package contains plugin for ASN.1 compilation from within Rebar3.
erlang-ssl-verify-fun 1.1.6Synopsis: SSL verification functions for Erlang
Description: SSL verification functions for Erlang
erlang-ssl-verify-fun 1.1.7Synopsis: SSL verification functions for Erlang
Description: This package provides SSL verification functions for Erlang.
erlang-sql-migrations 0.1.4Synopsis: Simple Erlang library to run SQL migrations
Description: erlang-sql-migrations
is an erlang conc list implementation.
erlang-erlware-commons 1.7.0Synopsis: Additional standard library for Erlang
Description: Erlware Commons is an Erlware project focused on all aspects of reusable Erlang components.
erlang-eunit-formatters 0.5.0Synopsis: Better output for eunit suites
Description: This package provides a better output for Erlang eunits.
emacs-eval-in-repl-erlang 0.9.7Synopsis: One keybinding to communicate with REPLs
Description: This package provides an ESS-like binding to send lines or regions to a REPL from Erlang buffers.
erlang-unicode-util-compat 0.7.0Synopsis: unicode_util compatibility library for Erlang < 20
Description: unicode_util compatibility library for Erlang < 20
erlang-unicode-util-compat 0.7.0Synopsis: unicode_util compatibility library for Erlang < 20
Description: unicode_util compatibility library for Erlang < 20
erlang-unicode-util-compat 0.7.0Synopsis: Compatibility library for Erlang < 20
Description: This package provides unicode_util
compatibility library for Erlang < 20.
Total results: 89