go-github-com-keybase-golang-ico 0.0.0-20181117022008-819cbeb217c9Licenses:
go-github-com-stellar-go-keypair 0.0.0-20191010205648-0fc3bfe3dfa7Synopsis:
go-github-com-stellar-go-network 0.0.0-20191010205648-0fc3bfe3dfa7Synopsis:
go-github-com-go-openapi-inflect 0.19.0Synopsis:
go-github-com-logrusorgru-aurora 3.0.0Synopsis: Golang ultimate ANSI-colors that supports Printf/Sprintf methods
Description: Package aurora implements ANSI-colors
go-github-com-coreos-go-iptables 0.6.0Synopsis: go-iptables
Description: Go bindings for iptables utility.
go-github-com-klauspost-compress 1.16.0Synopsis: compress
Description: This package provides various compression algorithms.
go-github-com-klauspost-compress 1.13.1Synopsis: Go compression library
Description: compress
provides various compression algorithms.
go-github-com-montanaflynn-stats 0.7.1Synopsis: Statistics library for Golang
Description: This package provides a statistical library for Golang.
go-github-com-ryanuber-columnize 2.1.2Synopsis: Column formatted output for golang
Description: This package implements column-formatted output for Golang.
go-github-com-modern-go-reflect2 1.0.2Synopsis: reflect2
Description: reflect api that avoids runtime reflect.Value cost
go-github-com-modern-go-reflect2 1.0.2Synopsis: reflect2
Description: reflect api that avoids runtime reflect.Value cost
go-github-com-siddontang-goredis 0.0.0-20180423163523-0b4019cbd7b7Synopsis: Redis client in Go
Description: Package goredis is a client for redis and ledisdb.
go-github-com-mdlayher-genetlink 1.3.2Synopsis: genetlink
Description: Package genetlink implements generic netlink interactions and data types.
go-github-com-golangplus-testing 1.0.0Synopsis: Additions to Go's standard testing package
Description: This package provides additions to Go's stdlib testing.
go-github-com-alecthomas-kingpin 2.2.6Synopsis: Go library provides utilities for building command line interfaces
Description: Go library provides utilities for building command line interfaces.
go-github-com-fanliao-go-promise 0.0.0-20141029170127-1890db352a72Synopsis: A library implement futrue and promise
Description: Package promise provides a complete promise and future implementation.
go-github-com-lestrrat-go-option 1.0.0Synopsis: option
Description: Base object for what I call the "Optional Parameters Pattern".
go-github-com-frankban-quicktest 1.14.6Synopsis: Quick helpers for testing Go applications
Description: Package quicktest provides a collection of Go helpers for writing tests.
go-github-com-pmezard-go-difflib 1.0.0Synopsis: Go diff implementation
Description: This package provides unified and context-aware diffs in Go.
go-github-com-go-git-go-billy-v5 5.5.0Synopsis: File system abstraction for Go
Description: Billy implements an interface based on the OS's standard library to develop applications without depending on the underlying storage. This makes it virtually free to implement mocks and testing over file system operations.
go-github-com-zyedidia-clipboard 1.0.3Synopsis: Clipboard for golang
Description: zyedidia-clipboard
provides copying and pasting to the Clipboard for Go.
go-github-com-lunixbochs-vtclean 1.0.0Synopsis: vtclean
Description: Clean up raw terminal output by stripping escape sequences, optionally preserving color.
go-github-com-pitr-jsontokenizer 0.2.0Synopsis: Zero-allocation JSON tokenizer
Description: go-github-com-pitr-jsontokenizer
is a zero-allocation JSON tokenizer.
Total results: 1560