go-github-com-glendc-gopher-json 0.1.0Synopsis: JSON encoder/decoder for gopher-lua
Description: Package json is a simple JSON encoder/decoder for gopher-lua.
go-github-com-keybase-msgpackzip 0.0.0-20211109205514-10e4bc329851Synopsis: msgpackzip
Description: You can test compressing a message pack encoded input file by running:
go-github-com-go-enry-go-enry-v2 2.8.0Synopsis: go-enry
Description: Package enry implements multiple strategies for programming language identification.
go-github-com-iancoleman-strcase 0.2.0Synopsis: strcase
Description: Package strcase converts strings to various cases. See the conversion table below:
go-github-com-peterbourgon-ff-v3 3.1.2Synopsis: ff
Description: Package ff is a flags-first helper package for configuring programs.
go-github-com-ipfs-go-ipfs-delay 0.0.1Synopsis: Configurable delays to other objects
Description: This package implements a threadsafe configurable delays to other objects.
go-github-com-emersion-go-milter 0.4.1Synopsis: Milter mail filters in Go
Description: This package provides an interface for implementing milter mail filters for Go.
go-github-com-logrusorgru-aurora 2.0.3Synopsis: Ultimate ANSI colors for Golang
Description: This package provides ANSI colors for Golang. The package supports Printf/Sprintf etc.
go-github-com-nsqio-go-diskqueue 1.1.0Synopsis: Go package providing a file system backed FIFO queue
Description: The diskqueue
Go package provides a file system backed FIFO queue.
go-github-com-fanliao-go-promise 0.0.0-20141029170127-1890db352a72Synopsis: Installation
Description: Package promise provides a complete promise and future implementation. A quick start sample:
go-github-com-keybase-go-updater 0.0.0-20221221215057-da7f21f4d90bSynopsis: Updater
Description: @strongWarning: This isn't ready for non-Keybase libraries to use yet!
go-github-com-go-openapi-runtime 0.28.0Synopsis: OpenAPI runtime interfaces
Description: OpenAPI toolkit runtime component for use in code generation or as untyped usage.
go-github-com-arran4-golang-ical 0.3.1Synopsis: Handle iCalenders in Go
Description: The ical
package provides an ICS/iCalender parser and serialiser for Go.
go-github-com-akosmarton-papipes 0.0.0-0.3c63b49Synopsis: Pulseaudio client library for Go
Description: This is a Pulseaudio client library in Golang for creating virtual sinks and sources.
go-github-com-zenhack-go-notmuch 0.0.0-20211022191430-4d57e8ad2a8bSynopsis: Go bindings to libnotmuch
Description: The notmuch package provides a Go language binding to the notmuch email library.
go-github-com-go-git-go-billy-v5 5.3.1Synopsis: Interface filesystem abstraction for Golang
Description: The missing interface filesystem abstraction for Go. Billy implements an interface based on the os
standard library, allowing to develop applications without dependency on the underlying storage. Makes it virtually free to implement mocks and testing over filesystem operations.
go-github-com-blevesearch-vellum 1.0.7Synopsis: vellum
Description: Package vellum is a library for building, serializing and executing an FST (finite state transducer).
go-github-com-emersion-go-bcrypt 0.0.0-20170822072041-6e724a1baa63Synopsis: Extract of bcrypt from golang.org/x/crypto/bcrypt
Description: This package provides an extract bcrypt
from golang.org/x/crypto/bcrypt
go-github-com-getsentry-raven-go 0.2.0-0.5c24d51Synopsis: Sentry client in Go
Description: This package is a Go client API for the Sentry event/error logging system.
go-github-com-mattn-go-runewidth 0.0.16Synopsis: Rune width implementation for Go
Description: This package provides functions to get the fixed width of a character or string.
go-github-com-macronut-go-tproxy 0.0.0-20190726054950-ef7efd7f24edSynopsis: Linux Transparent Proxy library
Description: Golang TProxy provides an easy to use wrapper for the Linux Transparent Proxy functionality.
go-github-com-briandowns-spinner 1.18.0Synopsis: Progress indicator for any terminal application
Description: This is a simple package to add a spinner or progress indicator to any terminal application.
go-github-com-marten-seemann-tcp 0.0.0-20210406111302-dfbc87cc63fdSynopsis: TCP-level socket options implementation in Golang
Description: This package provides a TCP-level socket options that allow manipulation of TCP connection facilities.
go-github-com-itchyny-timefmt-go 0.1.6Synopsis: Efficient time formatting library (strftime, strptime) for Golang
Description: timefmt-go
is a Go language package for formatting and parsing date time strings.
Total results: 1560