python-ukkonen 1.0.1Synopsis: Implementation of bounded Levenshtein distance (Ukkonen)
Description: This package is an implementation of of bounded Levenshtein distance (Ukkonen).
python-pysiril 0.0.17Synopsis: Python interface to SiriL
Description: This package provides an extending scripting capabilities, present natively in Siril.
python-fastapi 0.88.0Synopsis: Web framework based on type hints
Description: FastAPI provides a web API framework based on pydantic and starlette.
python-fastapi 0.92.0Synopsis: Web framework based on type hints
Description: FastAPI provides a web API framework based on pydantic and starlette.
python-cookies 2.2.1Synopsis: HTTP cookie parser and renderer
Description: A RFC 6265-compliant HTTP cookie parser and renderer in Python.
python-pygdbmi Parse gdb machine interface output with Python
Description: This package provides a parse gdb machine interface output with Python.
python-version 0.0.2-1.5232eeaSynopsis: Python version checking utility
Description: This package provides a simple utility for checking the python version.
python-miniboa 1.0.8Synopsis: Simple, single-threaded Telnet server
Description: Miniboa is a simple, asynchronous, single-threaded, poll-based Telnet server.
python-esprima 4.0.1Synopsis: ECMAScript parsing infrastructure for analysis in Python
Description: This package provides ECMAScript parsing infrastructure for multipurpose analysis in Python.
python-ukkonen 1.0.1Synopsis: Implementation of bounded Levenshtein distance (Ukkonen)
Description: This package is an implementation of of bounded Levenshtein distance (Ukkonen).
python-pikepdf 7.2.0Synopsis: Read and write PDFs with Python
Description: pikepdf is a Python library for reading and writing PDF files.
python-mistune 2.0.3Synopsis: A sane Markdown parser with useful plugins and renderers
Description: This package provides a sane Markdown parser with useful plugins and renderers
python-py-make 0.1.1Synopsis: Makefile execution powered by pure Python
Description: This package provides tools for Makefile execution powered by pure Python.
python-py3nvml 0.2.7Synopsis: Unoffcial Python 3 Bindings for the NVIDIA Management Library
Description: This package provides unofficial Python 3 Bindings for the NVIDIA Management Library
python-adblock 0.6.0-1.a340dfcSynopsis: Adblock library in Python
Description: Python wrapper for Brave's adblocking library, which is written in Rust.
python-astroml 1.0.2.post1Synopsis: Tools for machine learning and data mining in astronomy
Description: This package provides tools for machine learning and data mining in astronomy.
python-readpaf 0.0.10Synopsis: Minimap2 PAF file reader
Description: This is a fast parser for minimap2 PAF (Pairwise mApping Format) files.
python-pyfaidx Random access to fasta subsequences
Description: This package provides procedures for efficient pythonic random access to fasta subsequences.
python-subunit 1.4.0Synopsis: Python implementation of the subunit protocol
Description: Python-subunit is a Python implementation of the subunit test streaming protocol.
python-pycairo 1.26.0Synopsis: Python bindings for cairo
Description: Pycairo is a set of Python bindings for the Cairo graphics library.
python-spython 0.3.13Synopsis: Singularity Python client
Description: python-spython
is a Python library to interact with Singularity containers.
python-ndindex 1.7Synopsis: Python library for manipulating indices of ndarrays
Description: This package provides a Python library for manipulating indices of ndarrays
python-helpdev 0.7.1Synopsis: Extract information about the Python environment easily
Description: Helpdev is a library to easily extract information about the Python environment.
python-outcome 1.2.0Synopsis: Capture the outcome of Python function calls
Description: Capture the outcome of Python function calls. Extracted from the Trio project.
Total results: 3594