emacs-nano-theme 20220201-0.ceeffd2Synopsis: GNU Emacs NANO Theme
Description: emacs-nano-theme
provides a consistent theme for GNU Emacs.
emacs-cargo-mode 0.0.1Synopsis: Emacs minor mode which allows to dynamically select cargo command
Description: Emacs minor mode which allows to dynamically select a Cargo command.
emacs-janet-mode 0.1.0-1.2f5bcabSynopsis: Emacs major mode for the Janet programming language
Description: This package provides an Emacs major mode for editing Janet files.
emacs-taskrunner 0.6-1.3afd4a5Synopsis: Retrieve tasks from various build systems and task-runners
Description: This package parses Makefiles and build-system files for multiple project types.
emacs-org-caldav 3.1Synopsis: Sync Org files with external calendars via the CalDAV protocol
Description: Org CalDAV synchronizes events between Org files and a CalDAV calendar.
emacs-inheritenv 0.2Synopsis: Emacs temp buffers inherit buffer-local environment variables
Description: Inheritenv provides tools to execute processes inheriting the calling buffer's environment.
emacs-julia-mode 0.4-0.7a8c868Synopsis: Major mode for Julia
Description: This Emacs package provides a mode for the Julia programming language.
emacs-helm-slack 0-1.465f622Synopsis: Helm extension for emacs-slack
Description: This package provides an helm extension for emacs-slack Slack client.
emacs-undercover 0.8.1Synopsis: Test coverage library for Emacs Lisp
Description: Undercover is a test coverage library for software written in Emacs Lisp.
emacs-casual-avy 2.0.1Synopsis: Transient-based porcelain for avy
Description: Casual Avy is an opinionated Transient-based porcelain for Emacs Avy.
emacs-eslint-fix 1.0Synopsis: Fix current file using ESLint --fix
Description: This packages provides `eslint-fix', which fixes the current file using ESLint.
emacs-project-rg 0.1.0-0.0d57b64Synopsis: Project × Ripgrep
Description: Project-rg (project-rg.el) allow run ripgrep with Project (project.el).
emacs-helm-tramp 1.3.9Synopsis: Tramp Helm interface for SSH server, Docker and Vagrant
Description: This package provides Tramp Helm interface for SSH server, Docker and Vagrant.
emacs-poly-noweb 0.2.2Synopsis: Polymode for noweb
Description: This package provides poly-noweb-mode
, a polymode for noweb files.
emacs-powershell 0.3-0.d1b3f95Synopsis: Emacs mode for editing PowerShell scripts
Description: Powershell is an Emacs major mode for editing and running Microsoft PowerShell files.
emacs-casual-lib 2.0.0Synopsis: Library package for the Emacs Casual porcelains
Description: Casual Lib is a library package used to support the Casual porcelains.
emacs-nginx-mode 1.1.10Synopsis: Emacs major mode for editing nginx config files
Description: This package provides an Emacs major mode for editing nginx config files.
emacs-hide-lines 20210513.1636Synopsis: Commands for hiding lines based on a regexp
Description: This package provides commands to hide lines based on a regular expression.
emacs-helm-gtags 1.5.7Synopsis: Emacs Helm interface to GNU Global
Description: emacs-helm-gtags
provides a Emacs Helm interface to GNU Global.
emacs-vcard-mode 0.0.0-0.ab1a288Synopsis: Emacs major mode to edit vCard files
Description: This package provides a major mode for editing vCard files in Emacs.
emacs-discomfort 0-1.873eea8Synopsis: User interface to mount and unmount disks in Emacs
Description: Discomfort is an interface to mount and unmount disks in Emacs, using UDisks2.
emacs-lsp-docker 1.0.0Synopsis: Leverage LSP mode in Docker environment
Description: This package provides scripts and configurations to leverage LSP mode in Docker environment.
emacs-hide-lines 0-0.30d3557Synopsis: Commands for hiding lines based on a regexp
Description: This package provides an Emacs library for hiding lines based on a regular expression.
emacs-helm-lines 0.1-1.4c8d648Synopsis: Helm interface for completing by lines elsewhere in a project
Description: This package provides a Helm interface for completing by lines elsewhere in a project.
Total results: 2152