ruby-excon 0.79.0Synopsis: EXtended http(s) CONnections
Description: EXtended http(s) CONnections
ruby-anima 0.3.2Synopsis: Initialize object attributes via attributes hash
Description: Initialize object attributes via attributes hash
ruby-prawn 2.4.0Synopsis: PDF generation for Ruby
Description: Prawn is a pure Ruby PDF generation library.
ruby-ethon 0.12.0Synopsis: Very lightweight @code{libcurl} wrapper
Description: Ethon is a very basic libcurl
wrapper using ffi.
ruby-bacon 1.2.0Synopsis: Small RSpec clone
Description: Bacon is a small RSpec clone providing all essential features.
ruby-libv8 V8 JavaScript engine for The Ruby Racer
Description: This package provides a Ruby wrapper around the Javascript V8 engine.
ruby-rtlit 0.0.5Synopsis: Converts CSS files from left-to-right to right-to-left
Description: Converts CSS files from left-to-right to right-to-left
ruby-hydra 0.0-0.5abfa37Synopsis: Ruby hyphenation patterns
Description: ruby-hydra is a Ruby library for working with hyphenation patterns.
ruby-prism 1.3.0Synopsis: Parser for Ruby source code
Description: This package provides a parser for Ruby source code, written in C.
ruby-xpath 3.2.0Synopsis: Ruby DSL for generating XPath expressions
Description: XPath is a Ruby domain-specific language (DSL) for generating XPath expressions.
ruby-exifr 1.3.9Synopsis: EXIF Reader is a module to read EXIF from JPEG and TIFF images.
Description: EXIF Reader is a module to read EXIF from JPEG and TIFF images.
ruby-grape 1.5.2Synopsis: A Ruby framework for rapid API development with great conventions.
Description: This package provides a Ruby framework for rapid API development with great conventions.
ruby-iruby 0.3Synopsis: Ruby kernel for Jupyter/IPython
Description: This package provides a Ruby kernel for Jupyter/IPython frontends (e.g. notebook).
ruby-netrc 0.11.0Synopsis: Library to read and update netrc files
Description: This library can read and update netrc files, preserving formatting including comments and whitespace.
ruby-diffy 3.2.1Synopsis: Convenient diffing in ruby
Description: Diffy provides a convenient way to generate a diff from two strings or files.
ruby-erubi 1.8.0Synopsis: ERB template engine for Ruby
Description: Erubi is a ERB template engine for Ruby. It is a simplified fork of Erubis
ruby-crass 1.0.6Synopsis: Pure Ruby CSS parser
Description: Crass is a pure Ruby CSS parser based on the CSS Syntax Level 3 spec.
ruby-lines 0.9.1Synopsis: Readable log format for humans and computers
Description: This package provides a log format that's readable by humans and easily parseable by computers.
ruby-open4 1.3.4Synopsis: Open child processes from Ruby and manage them easily
Description: Open4
is a Ruby library to run child processes and manage their input and output.
ruby-utils 0.9.0Synopsis: Command line tools for working with Ruby
Description: This package provides assorted command line tools that may be useful when working with Ruby code.
ruby-crack 0.4.5Synopsis: Simple JSON and XML parsing for Ruby
Description: crack
provides really simple JSON and XML parsing, extracted from code in Merb and Rails.
ruby-nio4r 2.5.2Synopsis: New I/O for Ruby
Description: nio
provides cross-platform asynchronous I/O primitives in Ruby for scalable network clients and servers.
ruby-rinku 2.0.6Synopsis: A fast and very smart autolinking library that
acts as a drop-in replacement for Rails `auto_link`
Description: A fast and very smart autolinking library that acts as a drop-in replacement for Rails `auto_link`
ruby-rsync 1.0.9Synopsis: Ruby wrapper around rsync
Description: Ruby Rsync is a Ruby library that can synchronize files between remote hosts by wrapping the rsync
Total results: 839