rust-pem 3.0.3Synopsis: Parse and encode PEM-encoded data.
Description: Parse and encode PEM-encoded data.
rust-atk 0.18.0Synopsis: Rust bindings for the ATK library
Description: Rust bindings for the ATK library
rust-gio 0.15.12Synopsis: Rust bindings for the Gio library
Description: Rust bindings for the Gio library
rust-wry 0.35.1Synopsis: Cross-platform WebView rendering library
Description: Cross-platform WebView
rendering library
rust-cgl 0.3.2Synopsis: Rust bindings for CGL on Mac
Description: Rust bindings for CGL on Mac.
rust-cgl 0.2.3Synopsis: Rust bindings for CGL on Mac
Description: Rust bindings for CGL on Mac.
rust-atk 0.14.0Synopsis: Rust bindings for the ATK library
Description: Rust bindings for the ATK library
rust-atk 0.8.0Synopsis: Rust bindings for the ATK library
Description: Rust bindings for the ATK library
rust-vlq 0.5.1Synopsis: Sourcemap-style VLQ encoder and decoder
Description: Sourcemap-style VLQ encoder and decoder.
rust-lz4 1.24.0Synopsis: Rust LZ4 bindings library
Description: This crate provides Rust LZ4 bindings.
rust-lru 0.12.4Synopsis: LRU cache implementation
Description: This package provides a LRU cache implementation.
rust-gif 0.13.1Synopsis: GIF de- and encoder
Description: This package provides GIF de- and encoder.
rust-cpp 0.5.9Synopsis: Inline C++ code closures
Description: This package provides Inline C++ code closures.
rust-gbm 0.12.0Synopsis: libgbm bindings for rust
Description: This package provides libgbm bindings for rust.
rust-csl 0.0.1Synopsis: Parser and types for Citation Style Language
Description: Parser and types for Citation Style Language
rust-gtk 0.18.1Synopsis: Rust bindings for the GTK+ 3 library
Description: Rust bindings for the GTK+ 3 library
rust-gdk 0.15.4Synopsis: Rust bindings for the GDK 3 library
Description: Rust bindings for the GDK 3 library
rust-gtk 0.15.5Synopsis: Rust bindings for the GTK+ 3 library
Description: Rust bindings for the GTK+ 3 library
rust-gdk 0.18.0Synopsis: Rust bindings for the GDK 3 library
Description: Rust bindings for the GDK 3 library
rust-md5 0.6.1Synopsis: MD5 hash function in Rust
Description: The package provides the MD5 hash function.
rust-md5 0.3.8Synopsis: MD5 hash function in Rust
Description: The package provides the MD5 hash function.
rust-md5 0.7.0Synopsis: MD5 hash function in Rust
Description: The package provides the MD5 hash function.
rust-xkb 0.3.0Synopsis: Rusty wrapper around libxkbcommon
Description: This package provides Rusty wrapper around libxkbcommon.
rust-ron 0.4.2Synopsis: Rusty Object Notation
Description: This package provides Rusty Object Notation (RON).
Total results: 7494