This is a Python package for the interactive visualization of bulk RNA-seq data. It provides a range of plotting functions and interactive tools to explore and analyze bulk RNA-seq data.
DeepXDE is a library for scientific machine learning and physics-informed learning. It includes implementations for the PINN (physics-informed neural networks), DeepONet (deep operator network) and MFNN (multifidelity neural network) algorithms.
ASGI is a standard for Python asynchronous web apps and servers to communicate with each other, and positioned as an asynchronous successor to WSGI. This package includes libraries for implementing ASGI servers.
Distlib is a library which implements low-level functions that relate to packaging and distribution of Python software. It is intended to be used as the basis for third-party packaging tools.
can parse, read and write Microsoft OLE2 files (Structured Storage or Compound Document, Microsoft Office). It is an improved version of the OleFileIO module from PIL, the Python Image Library.
is a database interface library designed specifically for PostgreSQL and Python/asyncio. asyncpg
is an efficient, clean implementation of PostgreSQL server binary protocol for use with Python's asyncio framework.
is a client in Python for memcached. It is a wrapper around TangentOrg’s libmemcached library, and can be used as a drop-in replacement for the code{python-memcached
is a tiny Python package that does one thing: it gives you a fake certificate authority (CA) that you can use to generate fake TLS certs to use in your tests.
EnOSlib is a library to build experimental frameworks on various scientific testbeds. It lets you deploy networks of machines on actual hardware on Grid'5000 or via OpenStack, to Vagrant, Chameleon, and more.
Roifile is a Python library to read, write, create, and plot ImageJ ROIs, an undocumented and ImageJ application specific format to store regions of interest, geometric shapes, paths, text, etc for image overlays.
Pynotify2 provides a Python interface for sending D-Bus notifications. It is a reimplementation of pynotify in pure Python, and an alternative to the GObject Introspection bindings to libnotify for non-GTK applications.
Logbook is a logging system for Python that replaces the standard library’s logging module. It was designed with both complex and simple applications in mind and the idea to make logging fun.
implements the band-limited sinc interpolation method for sampling rate conversion as described by Julius O. Smith at the Digital Audio Resampling Home Page.
The tempora
Python library contains miscellaneous date and time related utilities and constants, routines for measuring, profiling, and getting datetime-aware UTC values as well as an event scheduler.
Urllib3 supports features left out of urllib and urllib2 libraries. It can reuse the same socket connection for multiple requests, it can POST files, supports url redirection and retries, and also gzip and deflate decoding.
Beziers provides a variety of classes for constructing, manipulating and drawing Bezier curves and paths. Principally designed for font design software, it allows you to join, split, offset, and perform many other operations on paths.
This is a set of integration tests to be run against a live OpenStack cluster. Tempest has batteries of tests for OpenStack API validation, scenarios, and other specific tests useful in validating an OpenStack deployment.
Urllib3 supports features left out of urllib and urllib2 libraries. It can reuse the same socket connection for multiple requests, it can POST files, supports url redirection and retries, and also gzip and deflate decoding.
Urllib3 supports features left out of urllib and urllib2 libraries. It can reuse the same socket connection for multiple requests, it can POST files, supports url redirection and retries, and also gzip and deflate decoding.
Gridmap is a Python package to allow you to easily create jobs on the cluster directly from Python. You can directly map Python functions onto the cluster without needing to write any wrapper code yourself.
The cytoolz package implements the same API as provided by toolz. The main differences are that cytoolz
is faster and cytoolz offers a C API that is accessible to other projects developed in Cython.
Dogtail is a GUI test tool and automation framework written in Python. It uses Accessibility (a11y) technologies to communicate with desktop applications. dogtail scripts are written in Python and executed like any other Python program.
This package provides the rnc2rng
command-line tool as well as a Python library to convert RELAX NG schemata in Compact syntax (rnc) to equivalent schemata in the XML-based default RELAX NG syntax.
Nodeenv (node.js virtual environment) is a tool to create isolated node.js environments. It creates an environment that has its own installation directories, that doesn't share libraries with other node.js virtual environments.