go-github-com-libp2p-go-libp2p-peer 2.3.8-0.993d742Synopsis: PKI based identities for use in go-libp2p
Description: PKI based identities for use in go-libp2p
go-github-com-emersion-go-imap-idle 0.0.0-0.2704abdSynopsis: IDLE extension for go-imap
Description: This package provides an IDLE extension for go-imap.
go-github-com-schollz-peerdiscovery 1.6.10Synopsis: peerdiscovery
Description: Pure-Go library for cross-platform local peer discovery using UDP multicast.
go-github-com-go-swagger-go-swagger 0.28.0Synopsis: Swagger 2.0
Description: Package swagger (2.0) provides a powerful interface to your API
go-github-com-xeipuuv-gojsonpointer 0.0.0-0.4e3ac27Synopsis: Implementation of JSON Pointer for Go
Description: This package provides an implementation of JSON Pointer for the Go programming language.
go-github-com-emersion-go-autostart 0.0.0-20210130080809-00ed301c8e9aSynopsis: Autostart library in Go
Description: Go-Autostart is a Go library to run a command after login.
go-github-com-lithammer-fuzzysearch 1.1.5Synopsis: Tiny and fast fuzzy search in Go
Description: A speedy fuzzy matching package for Go inspired by the JavaScript library bevacqua/fuzzysearch.
go-github-com-bahlo-generic-list-go 0.2.0Synopsis: Golang container/list but with generics
Description: This package implements a doubly linked list based on container/list
go-github-com-google-go-querystring 1.1.0Synopsis: Library for encoding structs into URL query parameters
Description: go-querystring
is Go library for encoding structs into URL query parameters.
go-github-com-lithammer-fuzzysearch 1.1.8Synopsis: Tiny and fast fuzzy search in Go
Description: A speedy fuzzy matching package for Go inspired by the JavaScript library bevacqua/fuzzysearch.
go-github-com-logrusorgru-aurora-v4 4.0.0Synopsis: Ultimate ANSI colors for Golang
Description: This package provides ANSI colors for Golang. The package supports Printf/Sprintf etc.
go-github-com-logrusorgru-aurora-v3 3.0.0Synopsis: Ultimate ANSI colors for Golang
Description: This package provides ANSI colors for Golang. The package supports Printf/Sprintf etc.
go-github-com-gsterjov-go-libsecret 0.0.0-20161001094733-a6f4afe4910cSynopsis: Manage secrets via the @code{Secret Service} DBus API
Description: This native Go library manages secrets via the freedesktop.org Secret Service
DBus interface.
go-github-com-delthas-go-localeinfo 0.0.0-20240607105203-b2e834fc307dSynopsis: Library for extracting locale information
Description: go-localeinfo
extracts monetary/numeric/time formatting information, rather than the current locale name.
go-github-com-denisenkom-go-mssqldb 0.11.0Synopsis: A pure Go MSSQL driver for Go's database/sql package
Description: package mssql implements the TDS protocol used to connect to MS SQL Server (sqlserver) database servers.
go-github-com-charmbracelet-bubbles 0.20.0Synopsis: TUI components for Bubble Tea library
Description: bubbles
is a library that provide components for @urlhttps://github.com/charmbracelet/bubbletea, Bubble Tea applications.
go-github-com-bmatcuk-doublestar-v2 2.0.4Synopsis: Path pattern matching and globbing supporting doublestar
Description: doublestar
is a Go implementation of path pattern matching and globbing with support for "doublestar" patterns.
go-github-com-bmatcuk-doublestar-v4 4.6.1Synopsis: Path pattern matching and globbing supporting doublestar
Description: doublestar
is a Go implementation of path pattern matching and globbing with support for "doublestar" patterns.
go-github-com-bmatcuk-doublestar-v3 3.0.0Synopsis: Path pattern matching and globbing supporting doublestar
Description: doublestar
is a Go implementation of path pattern matching and globbing with support for "doublestar" patterns.
go-github-com-charlievieth-fastwalk 1.0.8Synopsis: Fast directory traversal for Golang
Description: Package fastwalk provides a faster version of /path/filepath# for file system scanning tools.
go-github-com-bwesterb-go-ristretto 1.2.3Synopsis: Operations on the Ristretto prime-order group
Description: This is a pure Go implementation of the group operations on the Ristretto prime-order group built from Edwards25519.
go-github-com-mreiferson-go-options 1.0.0Synopsis: Go package to structure and resolve options
Description: The options
Go package resolves configuration values set via command line flags, config files, and default struct values.
go-github-com-gxed-hashland-murmur3 0.0.1Synopsis: Golang implementation of MurmurHash3 algorithm
go-github-com-datadog-datadog-go-v5 5.5.0Synopsis: Golang client library to work with DataDog's API
Description: datadog-go
is a library that provides a DogStatsD
client in Golang.
Total results: 1560