This package provides a testeable Emacs Lisp API that wraps GNU Global calls and integration to editor using this API with project.el and xref.el.
provides helpers for interactively selecting LSP workspace diagnostics, symbols, and file symbols from {emacs-lsp-mode
This package provides both a basic major mode for editing CSound files, as well as a REPL for fast feedback when composing and sound-designing using CSound.
improves the performance of lsp-mode
and eglot
Emacs packages using a wrapper executable. See the home-page for configuration instructions.
This Emacs package provides a quick way to change the default directory for only the next invoked command. The directory selection can be done using Helm, Ido or Ivy.
is a minor mode for Emacs that wraps a region with punctuations. For tagged markup modes, such as HTML and XML, it wraps with tags.
This package is a major mode for Emacs that provides syntax highlighting for SPARQL. It can also execute queries against a SPARQL HTTP endpoint, such as Fuseki or DBPedia.
This package provides completion features that are not possible with lsp-mode
and company-capf
alone, including support for trigger characters and asynchronous fetching of completion candidates.
This package provides emacs-helm
commands for {emacs-org-ql
This Emacs package allows you to show M-x speedbar
in the same frame (in an extra window). You can customize the initial width of the speedbar window.
This package provides a modern adaption of the extra coloring provided by Drew Adams info+
package. To enable this (add-hook 'Info-selection-hook 'info-colors-fontify-node)
Engine mode is a global minor mode for Emacs. It enables you to easily define search engines, bind them to keybindings, and query them from the comfort of your editor.
This package provides convenience functions to insert dummy Latin text into a buffer. This can be useful if you need to produce paragraphs or pages of text for testing purposes.
This package contains add-ons to Org. Be warned that these libraries receive little if no maintenance and there is no guaranty that they are compatible with the Org stable version.
replicates Spacemacs' leader key features, without requiring all of Spacemacs. The <Leader>
key, inspired by Vim, provides an easy way to bind keys under a configurable prefix key.
Fixed-pitch mode is an Emacs minor mode for setting a monospaced typeface. This allows you to set a proportional typeface for UI elements while keeping a monospaced typeface for code.
This Emacs package provides the opencl-mode
major mode for editing OpenCL kernels. It supports syntax highlighting and online access to the OpenCL documentation through the opencl-lookup
This package contains add-ons to Org. Be warned that these libraries receive little if no maintenance and there is no guaranty that they are compatible with the Org stable version.
This package provides a command to extract the colors from your Emacs theme and apply them to the rest of Linux with Pywal. Pywal only applies your theme to the current session.
This package provides apache-mode
, an Emacs major mode for Apache configuration files which provides syntax highlighting and indentation rules. This mode supports Apache HTTP Server 2.4 and major modules.
This package provides a development environment and REPL interaction package for Julia in the spirit of Common Lisp’s SLIME and Clojure’s CIDER. It enables convenient and dynamic REPL-driven development.
Test Simple is a simple unit test framework for Emacs Lisp. It alleviates the need for context macros, enclosing specifications or required test tags. It supports both interactive and non-interactive use.
This library lets elisp authors easily define an idiomatic command to reformat the current buffer using a command-line program, together with an optional minor mode which can apply this command automatically on save.
This major mode focuses on highlighting as many aspects of the TinTin++ scripting language as possible, organizing commands into functional categories and highlighting specific modes that many commands use to accomplish different tasks.