go-github-com-stellar-go-support-url 0.0.0-20191010205648-0fc3bfe3dfa7Synopsis:
go-github-com-coreos-go-systemd-util 0.0.0-20191104093116-d3cd4ed1dbcfSynopsis: go-systemd
go-gopkg-in-src-d-go-git-fixtures-v3 3.5.0Synopsis: go-git-fixtures
go-github-com-lunny-dingtalk-webhook 0.0.0-20171025031554-e3534c89ef96Synopsis: Dingtalk webhook Golang SDK
Description: Dingtalk webhook Golang SDK
go-github-com-mitchellh-mapstructure 1.5.0Synopsis: Go library for decoding generic map values
Description: Go library for decoding generic map values
go-github-com-couchbase-go-couchbase 0.1.1Synopsis: A smart client for couchbase in go
Description: Package couchbase provides a smart client for go.
go-github-com-jesseduffield-lazycore 0.0.0-20221023210126-718a4caea996Synopsis: Shared functionality for lazygit projects
Description: This package provides a shared functionality for lazygit, lazydocker, etc.
go-github-com-lestrrat-go-backoff-v2 2.0.8Synopsis: backoff
Description: Package backoff implements backoff algorithms for retrying operations.
go-github-com-lestrrat-go-blackmagic 1.0.0Synopsis: blackmagic
Description: Reflect-based black magic. YMMV, and use with caution
go-github-com-multiformats-go-base36 0.2.0Synopsis: Optimized @code{base36} codec for Go
Description: Optimized codec for []byte
<=> base36
string conversion.
go-github-com-insomniacslk-dhcp-iana 0.0.0-20230516061539-49801966e6cbSynopsis: several IANA constants and helpers
Description: several IANA constants, and helpers used by dhcpv6 and dhcpv4
go-github-com-multiformats-go-base32 0.1.0Synopsis: Go @code{base32} encoding package with @code{NoPadding} option
Description: base32
encoding package from Go with NoPadding
go-github-com-deckarep-golang-set-v2 2.6.0Synopsis: Set type for Go
Description: Set is the set collection for the Go language.
go-github-com-charmbracelet-lipgloss 1.0.0Synopsis: Style definitions for nice terminal layouts
Description: Style definitions for nice terminal layouts. Built with TUIs in mind.
go-github-com-multiformats-go-varint 0.0.7Synopsis: Varint helpers that enforce minimal encoding
Description: This package provides a functionality for encoding and decoding unsigned varints.
go-github-com-vmihailenco-msgpack-v4 4.3.12Synopsis: MessagePack encoding for Golang
Description: This package provides implementation of MessagePack encoding for Go programming language.
go-github-com-valyala-bytebufferpool 1.0.0Synopsis: Anti-memory-waste byte buffer pool for Golang
Description: bytebufferpool
implements a pool of byte buffers with anti-fragmentation protection.
go-github-com-emicklei-go-restful-v3 3.8.0Synopsis: go-restful
Description: Package restful , a lean package for creating REST-style WebServices without magic.
go-github-com-kballard-go-shellquote 0.0.0-1.95032a8Synopsis: Shell-style string joins and splits
Description: Shellquote provides utilities for joining/splitting strings using sh's word-splitting rules.
go-github-com-disintegration-imaging 1.6.2Synopsis: Simple image processing for Go
Description: This package provides basic image processing functions (resize, rotate, crop, brightness/contrast adjustments, etc.).
go-github-com-oschwald-geoip2-golang 1.11.0Synopsis: MaxMind GeoIP2 reader
Description: This package provides a library for reading MaxMind GeoLite2 and GeoIP2 databases in Go.
go-github-com-whyrusleeping-cbor-gen v0.0.0-20230818171029-f91ae536ca25Synopsis: Codegen for CBOR codecs on the specified types
Description: Basic utilities to generate fast path CBOR codecs for types.
go-github-com-shurcool-httpfs-filter 0.0.0-20190707220628-8d4bc4ba7749Synopsis: some wrapper for http.FileSystem
Description: some wrapper for htpp.FilSystem provode: 1. keep or skip files 2. io utility function
go-github-com-jesseduffield-generics 0.0.0-20220320043834-727e535cbe68Synopsis: Extensions on the Golang Generics packages
Description: This package provides helper methods/structs that involve generics which were added in Go 1.18.
Total results: 1560