python-omemo-dr 1.0.1Synopsis: OMEMO Crypto Library
python-prefixed 0.7.0Synopsis: Prefixed alternative numeric library
Description: Prefixed alternative numeric library
python-swh.core 2.4.0Synopsis: Software Heritage core utilities
Description: Software Heritage core utilities
python-swh.auth 0.6.2Synopsis: Software Heritage Authentication Utilities
Description: Software Heritage Authentication Utilities.
python-zope.tal 4.5Synopsis: Zope Template Application Language
Description: Zope Template Application Language (TAL).
python-swh.fuse 1.0.5Synopsis: Software Heritage virtual file system
Description: Software Heritage virtual file system.
python-escapism 1.0.0Synopsis: Simple, generic API for escaping strings
Description: Simple, generic API for escaping strings.
python-holidays 0.13Synopsis: Generate and work with holidays in Python
Description: Generate and work with holidays in Python
python-easydict 1.9Licenses:
Synopsis: Access dict values as attributes (works recursively).
Description: Access dict values as attributes (works recursively).
python-aiosocks 0.2.6Licenses:
Synopsis: SOCKS proxy client for asyncio and aiohttp
Description: SOCKS proxy client for asyncio and aiohttp
python-blurhash 1.1.4Synopsis: Pure-Python implementation of the blurhash algorithm
Description: Pure-Python implementation of the blurhash algorithm.
python-mwclient 0.10.1Synopsis: MediaWiki API client
Description: This package provides a MediaWiki API client.
python-ansiwrap 0.8.4Synopsis: textwrap, but savvy to ANSI colors and styles
Description: textwrap, but savvy to ANSI colors and styles
python-pywalfox 2.7.3Licenses:
Synopsis: Native app used alongside the Pywalfox browser extension
Description: Native app used alongside the Pywalfox browser extension
python-keycloak 0.27.0Synopsis: Keycloak API
Description: This package provides access to the Keycloak API.
python2-admiral 0.2Licenses:
Synopsis: Simple python high-performance computing cluster batch submission
Description: Simple python high-performance computing cluster batch submission.
python-cchardet 2.1.6Licenses:
Synopsis: cChardet is high speed universal character encoding detector.
Description: cChardet is high speed universal character encoding detector.
python-pyparted 3.13.0Synopsis: Parted bindings for Python
Description: This package provides parted
bindings for Python.
python-numpydoc 1.5.0Synopsis: Numpy's Sphinx extensions
Description: Sphinx extension to support docstrings in Numpy format.
python-doxypypy Doxygen filter for Python
Description: This package provides a Doxygen filter for Python.
python-pytzdata 2020.1Synopsis: Timezone database for Python
Description: This library provides a timezone database for Python.
python-pygments 2.16.1Synopsis: Syntax highlighting
Description: Pygments is a syntax highlighting package written in Python.
python-fastavro 1.4.10Synopsis: Fast read/write of AVRO files
Description: This package provides fast read/write of AVRO files.
python-boussole 2.0.0Synopsis: Commandline interface to build Sass projects using libsass-python
Description: Commandline interface to build Sass projects using libsass-python
Total results: 3594