rust-xml-rs 0.7.0Synopsis: XML library in pure Rust
Description: An XML library in pure Rust.
rust-sqlite 0.26.0Synopsis: Interface to SQLite
Description: The package provides an interface to SQLite.
rust-sqlite 0.27.3Synopsis: Interface to SQLite
Description: The package provides an interface to SQLite.
rust-lapack 0.19.0Synopsis: Rust wrappers for LAPACK (Fortran)
Description: The package provides wrappers for LAPACK (Fortran).
rust-pmutil 0.5.3Synopsis: Utils for proc-macro
Description: This package provides utils for proc-macro.
rust-hash32 0.2.1Synopsis: 32-bit hashing machinery
Description: This package provides 32-bit hashing machinery.
rust-claxon 0.4.3Synopsis: FLAC decoding library
Description: This package provides a FLAC decoding library.
rust-hash32 0.1.1Synopsis: 32-bit hashing machinery
Description: This package provides 32-bit hashing machinery.
rust-hash32 0.3.1Synopsis: 32-bit hashing machinery
Description: This package provides 32-bit hashing machinery.
rust-xml-rs 0.8.19Synopsis: XML library in pure Rust
Description: An XML library in pure Rust.
rust-pikchr 0.1.1Synopsis: PIC-like diagramming language to SVG converter
Description: PIC-like diagramming language to SVG converter
rust-camino 1.1.6Synopsis: UTF-8 paths
Description: This package provides a UTF-8 paths.
rust-dwrote 0.11.0Synopsis: Lightweight binding to DirectWrite
Description: This package provides lightweight binding to DirectWrite.
rust-sqlite 0.30.5Synopsis: Interface to SQLite
Description: The package provides an interface to SQLite.
rust-libspa 0.7.2Synopsis: Rust bindings for libspa
Description: This package provides Rust bindings for libspa.
rust-termbg 0.5.0Synopsis: Terminal background color detection
Description: This package provides terminal background color detection.
rust-winapi 0.3.9Synopsis: Raw FFI bindings for all of Windows API.
Description: Raw FFI bindings for all of Windows API.
rust-trycmd 0.9.1Synopsis: Snapshot testing for a herd of CLI tests
Description: Snapshot testing for a herd of CLI tests.
rust-trycmd 0.12.2Synopsis: Snapshot testing for a herd of CLI tests
Description: Snapshot testing for a herd of CLI tests
rust-base64 0.21.5Synopsis: encodes and decodes base64 as bytes or utf8
Description: encodes and decodes base64 as bytes or utf8
rust-utoipa 4.1.0Synopsis: Compile time generated OpenAPI documentation for Rust
Description: Compile time generated OpenAPI
documentation for Rust
rust-winapi 0.3.9Synopsis: Raw FFI bindings for all of Windows API.
Description: Raw FFI bindings for all of Windows API.
rust-icrate 0.0.4Synopsis: Bindings to Apple's frameworks
Description: This package provides bindings to Apple's frameworks.
rust-blake2 0.10.6Synopsis: BLAKE2 hash functions
Description: This package provides BLAKE2 hash functions in Rust.
Total results: 7494