emacs-casual-dired 2.0.0Synopsis: Transient-based porcelain for Dired
Description: Casual Dired is an opinionated Transient-based porcelain for Emacs Dired.
emacs-flymake-mypy 0.2.0-0.d79e158Synopsis: Flymake checker for mypy
Description: This package provides Flymake support for Python static type checking using mypy.
emacs-clj-refactor 3.6.0-0.8300d5cSynopsis: A collection of commands for refactoring Clojure code
Description: See README.md at https://github.com/clojure-emacs/clj-refactor.el.
emacs-web-beautify 0.3.2Synopsis: Format HTML, CSS and JavaScript, JSON
Description: This package provides an Emacs functions to format HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON.
emacs-helm-company 0.2.8Synopsis: Helm interface for Company mode
Description: This is a Helm interface to Company mode, a text completion framework.
emacs-haskell-mode 17.5Synopsis: Haskell mode for Emacs
Description: This is an Emacs mode for editing, debugging and developing Haskell programs.
emacs-org-make-toc 0.6Synopsis: Maintain a table of contents for an Org file
Description: This package facilitates the creation and maintenance of tables of contents.
emacs-moe-theme-el 1.0.1Synopsis: Anime-inspired color themes
Description: This package provides vibrant color schemes with light and dark variants.
emacs-flymake-mypy 0.3.1Synopsis: Flymake checker for mypy
Description: This package provides Flymake support for Python static type checking using mypy.
emacs-mediawiki-el 2.3.1Synopsis: Mediawiki editor for Emacs
Description: This package provides a way to edit mediawiki sites from within emacs.
emacs-hl-line-plus 0.1-0.55b0facSynopsis: Extensions to hl-line.el
Description: emacs-hl-line-plus
provides exntensions to hl-line.el
emacs-eshell-vterm 0.1-1.4e8589fSynopsis: Use vterm in e-shell
Description: An Emacs global minor mode allowing eshell to use vterm for visual commands.
emacs-ivy-omni-org 0.2.1-1.5460a9fSynopsis: Browse anything in Org mode
Description: This package allows Org items to be accessed via the Ivy interface.
emacs-fortran-tags 1.5.1Synopsis: Emacs plugin for source code indexing of modern Fortran
Description: This package provides an Emacs plugin for source code indexing of modern Fortran.
emacs-counsel-dash 0.1.3-4.370d5f6Synopsis: Offline documentation browser for APIs using Dash docsets
Description: This package uses ivy-mode
to install and navigate through Dash docsets.
emacs-jsonnet-mode 0.1.3Synopsis: Major mode for editing jsonnet files
Description: This package provides syntax highlighting, indenting, formatting, and utility methods for jsonnet files.
emacs-alsamixer-el 0.2.1Synopsis: Emacs interface to amixer
Description: emacs-alsamixer-el
provides basic commands to control audio volume via amixer.
emacs-dired-launch 20240809.1910Synopsis: Extra command to launch external programs
Description: This package provides a method to open entries in external programs from dired.
emacs-vhdl-ts-mode 0.2.2Synopsis: Emacs VHDL tree-sitter major mode
Description: Major mode to navigate and edit VHDL files with tree-sitter under emacs.
emacs-org-download 0.1.0-3.42ac361Synopsis: Facilitate moving images
Description: This package provides utilities for managing image files copied into org-mode
emacs-systemd-mode 1.6Synopsis: Major mode for editing Systemd units
Description: This package provides a major mode for editing Systemd unit files in GNU Emacs.
emacs-clang-rename 13.0.1Synopsis: Rename every occurrence of a symbol using clang-rename
Description: This package renames every occurrence of a symbol at point using clang-rename
emacs-lsp-lua-emmy 0.1.0-1.ab53fb2Synopsis: Lua support in @code{lsp-mode} client for Emacs
Description: This package provides a Lua language support in lsp-mode
client for Emacs.
emacs-clj-refactor 3.12.0Synopsis: Powerful refactoring functionality for Clojure projects
Description: This Emacs package complements the refactoring functionality you'd find in Clojure mode and CIDER.
Total results: 2152