rust-ron 0.6.4Synopsis: Rusty Object Notation
Description: This package provides Rusty Object Notation (RON).
rust-ivf 0.1.3Synopsis: Simple ivf muxer
Description: This package provides a simple ivf muxer.
rust-ron 0.7.1Synopsis: Rusty Object Notation
Description: This package provides Rusty Object Notation (RON).
rust-ron 0.8.1Synopsis: Rusty Object Notation
Description: This package provides Rusty Object Notation (RON).
rust-csv 1.3.0Synopsis: Fast CSV parsing with support for serde
Description: Fast CSV parsing with support for serde.
rust-cvt 0.1.2Synopsis: Expose the cvt function from Rust libstd
Description: Expose the cvt function from Rust libstd.
rust-paw 1.0.0Synopsis: CLI argument parser
Description: This package provides a CLI argument parser.
rust-afl 0.12.17Synopsis: Fuzzing Rust code with american-fuzzy-lop
Description: Fuzz Rust code with american-fuzzy-lop.
rust-afl 0.11.1Synopsis: Fuzzing Rust code with american-fuzzy-lop
Description: Fuzz Rust code with american-fuzzy-lop.
rust-lru 0.7.8Synopsis: LRU cache implementation
Description: This package provides a LRU cache implementation.
rust-lzw 0.10.0Synopsis: LZW compression and decompression
Description: This package provides LZW compression and decompression.
rust-csv 0.14.7Synopsis: Fast CSV parsing with support for serde
Description: Fast CSV parsing with support for serde.
rust-ron 0.5.1Synopsis: Rusty Object Notation
Description: This package provides Rusty Object Notation (RON).
rust-lru 0.9.0Synopsis: LRU cache implementation
Description: This package provides a LRU cache implementation.
rust-lru 0.12.1Synopsis: LRU cache implementation
Description: This package provides a LRU cache implementation.
rust-xcb 0.8.2Synopsis: Rust safe bindings for XCB
Description: This package provides Rust safe bindings for XCB.
rust-dpi 0.1.1Synopsis: Types for handling UI scaling
Description: This package provides Types for handling UI scaling.
rust-png 0.17.6Synopsis: PNG decoding and encoding library in pure Rust
Description: PNG decoding and encoding library in pure Rust
rust-cfb 0.7.3Synopsis: Read/write Compound File Binary (structured storage) files
Description: Read/write Compound File Binary (structured storage) files
rust-gix 0.50.1Synopsis: Interact with git repositories just like git would
Description: Interact with git repositories just like git would
rust-rsa 0.9.6Synopsis: Pure Rust RSA implementation
Description: This package provides a pure Rust RSA implementation.
rust-rsa 0.5.0Synopsis: Pure Rust RSA implementation
Description: This package provides a pure Rust RSA implementation.
rust-rsa 0.6.1Synopsis: Pure Rust RSA implementation
Description: This package provides a pure Rust RSA implementation.
rust-dpi 0.1.1Synopsis: Types for handling UI scaling
Description: This package provides types for handling UI scaling.
Total results: 7494