The Carrier Subdivision Tryton module extends the carrier selection pattern with
the warehouse Subdivision,
the customer Subdivision,
a regular expression to match against warehouse postal code and
A regular expression to match against customer postal code.
These can be used to restrict the usage of a carrier to a specific subdivision or a specific postal code.
The Product Measurements Tryton module adds this following measurements to Product:
The Account Credit Limit Tryton module for manages credit limit of parties.
The Stock Quantity Issue Tryton module helps to solve stock quantity issues.
The Account Payment SEPA Tryton module allows generating SEPA files for a Payment Group.
The Sale Advance Payment Tryton module adds support for advance payment management on the sale.
The Stock Secondary Unit Tryton module adds a secondary unit of measure on the stock move.
The Marketing Automation Tryton module allows marketing actions to be automated. It is based on scenarios and activities that are executed on selected records.
The Purchase Requisition Tryton module allows users to create their requests for product supply (purchase requisitions). Those requisitions will be approved or rejected by the approval group, whoich typically is the purchasing department. On approval, purchase requests will be created.
The Product Cost History Tryton module adds a `Cost History` relate on the product form, showing the cost price evolution of the product. The history is based on the cost price stored on the incoming stock moves for goods and assets and based on the history table for service. When a historic cost price is needed, the value is taken from this history for goods and assets.
This package provides a Tryton module for sending dunning emails.
The Sale Promotion Coupon Tryton module adds coupon to the promotions.
The Stock Supply Forecast Tryton module takes forecast into account to compute purchase requests.
The Sale Product_Customer Tryton module defines customer's names and codes for products or variants.
The Account Statement OFX Tryton module implements the import of the OFX files as statement.
The Account Cash Rounding Tryton module allows cash amounts to be rounded using the cash rounding factor of the currency.
The Sale Invoice Grouping Tryton module adds an option to define how invoice lines generated from sales will be grouped.
The Account Invoice Defer Tryton module allows deferring the expense or the revenue of an invoice line over many periods.
This package provides a Tryton module that adds link between invoice lines and stock moves. The unit price of the stock move is updated with the average price of the posted invoice lines that are linked to it.
This package provides a Tryton module for generating dunning letters.
This package provides a Tryton module that adds the invoice, payment term.
This package provides a Tryton module that adds accounting on product and category.
The Purchase Shipment Cost Tryton module adds shipment costs to Supplier Shipment.
This Tryton module is the Fundamental module required to interact with shipping service providers.