emacs-package-build 4.0.0Synopsis: Tools for assembling an Emacs package archive
Description: This package provides tools for assembling an ELPA.
emacs-evil-markdown 0.0.2-2.685d7fbSynopsis: Evil keybindings for @code{markdown-mode}
Description: This package provides custom text objects and bindings for markdown-mode
emacs-eglot-booster 0.0.2Synopsis: Configuration to use LSP-booster with Eglot
Description: This package adds configuration to simplify using Emacs LSP booster with Eglot.
emacs-company-emoji 3.0.0Synopsis: Company completion back-end for emoji
Description: This library is a Company back-end providing auto-completion for emoji.
emacs-counsel-tramp 0.7.7Synopsis: Ivy interface for TRAMP
Description: This package allows ivy-mode
to display and filter SSH servers.
emacs-flycheck-flow 1.1-1.9e8e52cSynopsis: Flow support for @code{flycheck-mode}
Description: This package allows flycheck-mode
to provide syntax-checking for Flow files.
emacs-flymake-guile 0.5Synopsis: GNU Guile support for Flymake
Description: This package provides a Flymake backend for GNU Guile using guild compile
emacs-fringe-helper 1.0.1-1.ef4a9c0Synopsis: Helper functions for fringe bitmaps
Description: This package allows fringe bitmaps to be defined with a visual string representation.
emacs-monokai-theme 3.5.3Synopsis: High contrast color theme for Emacs
Description: Monokai theme is a port of the popular TextMate Monokai theme for Emacs.
emacs-rich-minority 1.0.3Synopsis: Clean-up and beautify the list of minor modes
Description: This Emacs package hides and/or highlights minor modes in the mode-line.
emacs-json-reformat 0.0.7Synopsis: Reformatting tool for JSON
Description: json-reformat
provides a reformatting tool for JSON.
emacs-lilypond-mode 2.24.4Synopsis: Major mode for editing GNU LilyPond music scores
Description: This package provides an Emacs major mode for editing GNU LilyPond music scores.
emacs-protobuf-mode 3.21.9Synopsis: Protocol buffers major mode for Emacs
Description: This package provides an Emacs major mode for editing Protocol Buffer source files.
emacs-theme-sorcery 1.0Synopsis: Dark and low-contrast Emacs theme
Description: Sorcery is a dark and low-contrast Emacs theme inspired by Apprentice and Sourcerer.
emacs-markdown-mode 2.6Synopsis: Emacs Major mode for Markdown files
Description: Markdown-mode is a major mode for editing Markdown-formatted text files in Emacs.
emacs-stripe-buffer 0.2.5Synopsis: Add stripes to list buffers
Description: This Emacs package adds faces to add stripes to list buffers and org tables.
emacs-ample-regexps 0.1-2.153969cSynopsis: Compose and reuse Emacs regexps
Description: This package allows common parts of regexps to be easily picked out and reused.
emacs-notebook-mode 0.2-0.f12a02bSynopsis: GNU Emacs notebook mode
Description: emacs-notebook-mode
provides a modern look for viewing Jupyter notebooks in GNU Emacs.
emacs-squirrel-mode 20221227.232Synopsis: A major mode for the Squirrel programming language
Description: Squirrel mode is a major mode for editing Squirrel code. It provides basic syntax highlighting.
emacs-nixos-options 0.0.1Synopsis: A set of useful Emacs modes and functions for users of Nix and Nix OS.
Description: A set of useful Emacs modes and functions for users of Nix and Nix OS.
emacs-terminal-here 1.0-1.b3659e1Synopsis: Run an external terminal in current directory
Description: Provides commands to help open external terminal emulators in the directory of the current buffer.
emacs-company-irony 1.1.1Synopsis: C++ completion backend for Company using Irony mode
Description: This backend for Company allows for C++ code completion with Irony mode using Clang tooling.
emacs-evil-exchange 0.41-1.4769153Synopsis: Exchange text easily within Evil
Description: This package, a port of vim-exchange
, provides an Evil operator for exchanging text.
emacs-counsel-etags 1.10.1Synopsis: Fast @code{Ctags}/@code{Etags} solution with @code{ivy-mode}
Description: This package uses ivy-mode
to facilitate navigating and searching through Ctags
Total results: 2152