This package defines an environment multienumerate
, that produces an enumerated array in which columns are vertically aligned on the counter.
The package (which runs under XeLaTeX) lets you bind fonts to specific Unicode blocks, for automatic font tagging of multilingual text.
This PSTricks-based package provides facilities to draw structural schemes in civil engineering analysis, for beams, portals, arches and piles.
The package provides language drivers for the listings package for several languages not included in that package: BUGS, JAGS, and Stan.
The package provides a small Ruby script that corrects bookmarks in PDF files created by pLaTeX or upLaTeX, using hyperref
is a PSTricks related package and draws dart boards. Optional arguments are the unit and the fontsize.
This package provides two Georgian fonts, in both Metafont and Type 1 formats, which cover the Mxedruli and the Xucuri alphabets.
The package adds blurred/faded/fuzzy shadows to PGF/TikZ pictures. It is configured as a TikZ/PGF library module.
This package provides utilities to convert TrueType to TFM and PK fonts: ttf2afm
, ttf2pk
, ttf2tfm
, and ttfdump
The package provides commands to produce all the symbols of the St Mary's Road fonts, in a Plain TeX environment.
The package provides the means of declaring a set of counters to be stepped, each time some master counter is stepped.
LuaHBTeX is a LuaTeX variant that can use the HarfBuzz engine for glyph shaping, instead of LuaTeX's built-in shaper.
The Phonetic fonts are based on Computer Modern, and specified in Metafont. Macros for the fonts use are provided for LaTeX.
This package provides Metafont sources modified from Computer Modern in order to generate long s, which was used in old text.
This package provides font information needed to load the cmmi
and cmmib
fonts for use to produce old-style numbers.
FdSymbol is a maths symbol font, designed as a companion to the Fedra family, but it might also fit other contemporary typefaces.
The package defines the W3C SVG colour names for use with both the color
and PSTricks packages.
This package provides a package for defining and using patterns in MetaPost, using the Pattern Color Space available in PostScript Level 2.
The package provides horizontal alignment, as in the LaTeX command \listfiles
. Uses may include in-text tables, or even code listings.
This package wrap text around figures. It is a fork of wrapfig
package. It is backwards compatible with the original environments.
This package provides a package which provides access to some interesting characters of the Text Companion fonts (TS1 encoding) in maths mode.
This package typesets a LaTeX counter such as page in an arbitrary base (default 16). It does not change font or typeface.
This package provides a package for multiple letters from the same basic source; the package offers parametrisation of the letters actually sent.
is a LaTeX2e package to typeset and declare sets of delimiters in math mode whose size can be adjusted conveniently.