The Sale Shipment Grouping module adds an option to define how stock moves generated from sales will be grouped.
The Product Cost Warehouse Trython module allows the cost price of products to be calculated separately for each warehouse.
The Account Statement CODA Tryton module implements the import of CODA files as statement. CODA is a standard defined by Belgian "febelfin".
The Product Classification Tryton module defines the tools for other modules to create classifications of products. It adds a reference field classification to the product template.
The Account Payment Stripe Tryton module for receiving payments from Stripe. It uses Stripe.js and Stripe Elements in a checkout form to handle Setup Intent and Payment Intent by card.
The Production Outsourcing Tryton module allows outsourcing production orders per routing. When such outsourced production is set to waiting
, a purchase order is created and its cost is added to the production.
The Stock Product Location Tryton module adds on the product form a list of preferred location by warehouse. This list is used when a supplier shipment is received: the auto-generated Inventory Moves will use as default destination the preferred locations associated to the current warehouse.
The Sale Supply Production Tryton module adds a "supply on sale" option to producible products. If checked, it will generate a production request for each sale line of this product regardless of the stock levels. Once the products are produced they are assigned to the customer shipments. If the production request is cancelled, the sale goes back to the default supply method.
The Account Statement Rule Tryton module allows rules to be defined to complete statement lines from imported files.
When the Apply Rule button is clicked on a statement, each rule is tested in order against each origin that does not have any lines until one is found that matches. Then the rule found is used to create the statement lines linked to the origin.
The Stock Location Sequence Tryton module adds ordering to location.
The Product Image Attribute Tryton module adds attributes to product images.
The Stock Supply Production module adds automatic supply mechanisms via production request.
This Tryton module provides the back-end to integrate with Vue Storefront 1.x.
The Sale Subscription Asset Tryton module adds the notion of asset to the sale subscription module.
The Account Invoice History Tryton module activates the historization of the invoice and its related fields.
This package provides a Tryton module that adds the fundamentals required to analyse accounting using multiple different axes.
This package provides a Tryton module that introduces the concept of Purchase Requests which are central points to collect purchase requests generated by other process from Tryton.
The Account Statement AEB43 Tryton module implements the import of Norm 43 files as statement. Norm 43 is a standard defined by the Spanish banking association.
The Purchase Secondary Unit Tryton module adds a secondary unit of measure on purchase lines.
The secondary quantity and unit price are kept synchronized with the quantity and unit price. The secondary unit is defined on the product supplier or on the product with its factor against the purchase unit.
The Sale Shipment Tolerance module adds under and over shipment tolerance on the sale. If the quantity of a sale line is under shipped but inside the tolerance percentage, then the line will be considered as fully shipped and no back-order will be created. If the quantity of a sale line is over shipped more than the tolerance percentage, then a warning is raised.
The Stock Inventory Location Tryton module adds a new wizard "Create Inventories" under the "Inventories" sub-menu.
The Product Price List Dates Tryton module adds start date and end date conditions to the price list lines.
The Account Tax Rule Country Tryton module extends the tax rule to add origin and destination countries and subdivisions as criteria.
The Account Payment Clearing Tryton module allows generating an account move when a payment succeeded between the receivable/payable account to a clearing account defined on the payment journal.