The package provides some more extensible arrows (usable in the same way as \xleftarrow
from amsmath
), and a simple command to create new ones.
This package repetetively produce documents from a fixed part and a variable part. Such an operation is commonly used as ``mail merge'' to produce mail shots.
This package can be used to include every kind of Scratch program in LaTeX documents. This may be particularly useful for Math Teachers and IT specialists.
This package provides integration between FoilTeX and LaTeX2HTML, adding sectioning commands and elements of logical formatting to FoilTeX and providing support for FoilTeX commands in LaTeX2HTML.
The class and its BibTeX style enable authors to produce officially-correct output for the IEEE transactions, journals and conferences.
The macros include: format for question-and-answer; comments on answers; lengthier explanations of answers; citations. The formatting of all the macros is highly (and simply) customizable.
This package exposes spacing parameters for various TeX logos to the end user, to optimise the logos for different fonts. It is written especially for XeLaTeX users.
This package provides the means in order to lay-out gamebooks with LaTeX. A simple gamebook example is included with the package, and acts as a tutorial.
MetaPost uses a language based on that of Metafont to produce precise technical illustrations. Its output is scalable PostScript or SVG, rather than the bitmaps Metafont creates.
This LaTeX package provides an interface to define and evaluate key-based replacement rules. It can be used to parse the argument specification of a document command.
The varwidth
environment is superficially similar to minipage
, but the specified width is just a maximum value -- the box may get a narrower natural width.
The package extends the hyperref functionality for creating interactive forms to allow adding Barcode form fields supported by some modern PDF readers. Currently, only pdfTeX is supported.
This tiny package allows easy manipulation of the headers and footers on pages left blank by \cleardoublepage
. By default, LaTeX has no easy facilities for this.
The package computes the number of sheets of paper used by, and hence the mass of a document. This is useful (for example) when calculating postal charges.
The package is for printing two pages on a single (landscape) A4 page. Page numbers appear on the included pages, and not on the landscape container page.
This package draws a grid on every page of the document; the grid divides the page into columns, and may be used for fixing measurements of layout.
This package provides control over section numbering (without recourse to starred sectional commands) and the entries in the table of contents on a section by section basis.
The longfbox
package provides framed boxes that can be customized using standard CSS attributes. It was written to support precise rendering of Madoko documents in LaTeX.
This package provides an interface to dummy text in Chinese language, which will be useful for testing Chinese documents. UTF-8, GBK and Big5 encodings are supported.
The Latin Modern fonts are derived from the famous Computer Modern fonts designed by Donald E. Knuth and described in Volume E of his Computers & Typesetting series.
This MetaPost package provides macros to typeset text along a free path with the help of LaTeX, thereby preserving kerning and allowing for 8-bit input (accented characters).
This package provides an environment that has its own line numbers or markers and can be well distinguished from the main text, for writing your ideas or annotations.
This package implements a new bookmark (outline) organization for the hyperref
package. Bookmark properties such as style and color. Other action types are available (URI, GoToR, Named).
The package can be used to construct dichotomous identification keys (used especially in biology for species identification), taking care of numbering and indentation of successive key steps automatically.