python-clingraph 1.1.2Synopsis: Visualizer for graphs defined as logic programs
Description: This package provides a clingo-based visualizer for graphs defined as logic programs.
python-pyopenssl 24.1.0Synopsis: Python wrapper module around the OpenSSL library
Description: PyOpenSSL is a high-level wrapper around a subset of the OpenSSL library.
python-flask-wtf 1.0.1Synopsis: Simple integration of Flask and WTForms
Description: Flask-WTF integrates Flask and WTForms, including CSRF, file upload, and reCAPTCHA.
python-overrides 7.7.0Synopsis: Decorator to detect mismatch when overriding a method
Description: This package provides a decorator to automatically detect mismatch when overriding a method.
python-structlog 23.1.0Synopsis: Structured Logging for Python
Description: structlog
changes logging in Python by adding structure to your log entries.
python-stdio-mgr 1.0.1Synopsis: Context manager for mocking/wrapping stdin/stdout/stderr
Description: This package contains a context manager for mocking/wrapping stdin/stdout/stderr.
python-bitstring 3.1.7Synopsis: Simple construction, analysis and modification of binary data
Description: Bitstring is a library for simple construction, analysis and modification of binary data.
python-jsonalias 0.1.1Synopsis: JSON type alias for Python
Description: This package provides a microlibrary that defines a JSON type alias for Python.
python-pyinotify 0.9.6Synopsis: Python library for monitoring inotify events
Description: pyinotify
provides a Python interface for monitoring file system events on Linux.
python-swh.graph 0.5.2Synopsis: Software Heritage graph service
Description: In-memory graph representation and browsing service for the Software Heritage Merkle DAG.
python-glcontext 2.5.0-1.1573e57Synopsis: Portable OpenGL Context for ModernGL
Description: Python-glcontext is a library providing an OpenGL implementation for ModernGL on multiple platforms.
python-hicmatrix 17.1Synopsis: HiCMatrix class for HiCExplorer and pyGenomeTracks
Description: This helper package implements the HiCMatrix
class for the HiCExplorer and pyGenomeTracks packages.
python-re-assert 1.1.0Synopsis: Show where your regex match assertion failed
Description: re-assert
provides a helper class to make assertions of regexes simpler.
python-glcontext 3.0.0-2.f2875abSynopsis: Portable OpenGL Context for ModernGL
Description: Python-glcontext is a library providing an OpenGL implementation for ModernGL on multiple platforms.
python-symengine 0.13.0Synopsis: Python library providing wrappers to SymEngine
Description: This library provides a Python wrapper to SymEngine, a fast C++ symbolic manipulation library.
python-ua-parser 0.10.0Synopsis: User agent parser
Description: ua-parser
is a Python port of Browserscope's user agent parser.
python-tracerite 1.1.0Synopsis: Human-readable HTML tracebacks
Description: tracerite
converts Python tracebacks into useful error messages in human-readable HTML format.
python-scm-sr-ht 0.22.23Synopsis: Shared support code for source control services
Description: This package provides shared support code for source control services.
python-lifelines 0.30.0Synopsis: Survival analysis including Kaplan Meier, Nelson Aalen and regression
Description: This package enables survival analysis in Python, including Kaplan Meier, Nelson Aalen and regression.
python-pyperclip 1.8.2Synopsis: Python clipboard module
Description: Pyperclip is a clipboard module for Python, handling copy/pasting from the X11 clipboard
python-glue-core 1.21.1Synopsis: Multidimensional data visualization project
Description: Glue is a python project to link visualizations of scientific datasets across many files.
python-scikit-rf 1.3.0Synopsis: Radio frequency and Microwave Engineering Scikit
Description: Scikit-rf, or skrf
, is a Python package for RF and Microwave engineering.
python-terminado 0.10.0Synopsis: Terminals served to term.js using Tornado websockets
Description: This package provides a Tornado websocket backend for the term.js Javascript terminal emulator library.
python-exif-read 3.0.0Synopsis: Python library to extract EXIF data from image files
Description: ExifRead is a Python library to extract EXIF data from tiff and jpeg files.
Total results: 3594