This package provides an ESS-like binding to send lines or regions to a REPL from Elm buffers.
This package mainly defines a macro which helps remove some of the boilerplate code from defining new Flymake backend functions.
This package provides an ESS-like binding to send lines or regions to a REPL from Lua buffers.
This package provides the macro pretty-hydra-define
to define hydras with one column per group of heads.
This package provides an ESS-like binding to send lines or regions to a REPL from Standard ML buffers.
This package provides an ESS-like binding to send lines or regions to a REPL from Common Lisp buffers.
This theme aims to be as identical as possible to the default Dark+ color scheme used by Visual Studio Code.
This package provides functionality for correcting words via custom interfaces. Several interfaces are supported beside the classic Ido: Popup, Helm and Ivy.
This package allows items in the Org agenda to be grouped into sections while preserving the structure imposed by any timestamps.
Catppuccin is a soothing pastel theme for Emacs. It provides different color palettes, such as frappe, macchiato, or latte.
This package provides a interface for cpplint
over Flycheck plugin. cpplint
is a static code checker for C++, following Google guidelines.
This package adds new text objects for evil-mode
based on blocks having the same or higher indentation, including or excluding surrounding lines.
Allows emacs-company
to use child frames for its candidate menus.
is fast enough for daily use and supports CJK languages.
This package uses emacs-nerd-icons
to show icons next to each file in a Dired buffer. Similar to emacs-all-the-icons-dired
is an Emacs package that allows you to quickly look up previously used email addresses. It can be used alongside the Gnus email client.
This project makes it easier to generate preprocessor macros from Emacs for C++ code that uses OpenVDB and needs to be build against multiple incompatible versions of it.
The plz-event-source
library provides a plz-media-type
, a parser, and an event source implementation for the SSE protocol.
This is an Emacs global minor mode to use Emacs frames instead of Emacs' internal windowing system. This combines particularly well with tiling window managers such as XMonad.
This package adds random colors to your Org tags. In order to make colors random but consistent between same tags, colors are generated from the hash of the tag names.
This package provides support for running any Flycheck checker as a Flymake diagnostic backend. The effect is that Flymake will control when the checker runs, and Flymake will receive its errors.
This is a set of functions to use Org Roam with Consult. This packages replaces Org Roam's own completing read functions with equivalent versions utilizing Consult's internal API.
is an Emacs minor mode which makes Evil play nice with Smartparens. Evil is an Emacs minor mode that emulates Vim features and provides Vim-like key bindings.
is a major mode for editing pip requirements files, with the following features:
Syntax highlighting
Togglable comments
Auto completion of package names from PyPI
This Emacs package allows you to open a target page on github/gitlab (or bitbucket) by calling browse-at-remote
command. It supports dired buffers and opens them in tree mode at destination.