This package provides text objects for evil-mode
with boundaries defined by syntax highlighting.
This is a major mode for docker-compose
files that provides completion of relevant keywords.
This package allows icons from all-the-icons.el
to be used in dired-mode
A text-to-speech accessibility tool which reads aloud the active region.
Speaking is done using espeak-ng.
This package maintains a list of recently used Org headings, as well as functions for navigating between these headings.
This package provides an ESS-like binding to send lines or regions to a REPL from Scheme buffers.
This package provides an ESS-like binding to send lines or regions to a REPL from Python buffers.
This package provides an ESS-like binding to send lines or regions to a REPL from Erlang buffers.
This package provides an ESS-like binding to send lines or regions to a REPL from Prolog buffers.
This package provides an ESS-like binding to send lines or regions to a REPL from Scheme buffers.
This package provides an ESS-like binding to send lines or regions to a REPL from Racket buffers.
This package provides versions of query-replace
and replace-regexp
that work for evil-mode
visual blocks.
This package lets you use C-h, C-j, C-k and C-l to navigate between Emacs windows and tmux panes.
This package adds XOAuth2 authentication capabilities to Emacs auth-source. This integration requires some preliminary work on the users’ part, which includes creating tokens.
Rainbow identifiers mode is an Emacs minor mode providing highlighting of identifiers based on their names. Each identifier gets a color based on a hash of its name.
The elegant-agenda-mode package uses fonts and typography to give your org-agenda some breathing room and elegance. This package was inspired by the work Nicolas Rougier.
Column Enforce mode highlights text that extends beyond a certain column. It can be used to enforce 80 column rule. It can also be configured for any N-column rule.
hungrily deletes whitespace between cursor and next word, parenthesis or delimiter while honoring some rules about where space should be left to separate words and parentheses.
brings visual feedback to some operations by highlighting portions relating to the operations. All of highlights made by this library will be removed when any new operation is executed.
This library adds a list of 'Did you mean...' suggestions when the command was not found in Eshell. The suggestions are found after the commands that bear resemblance to the input command.
This package lets you auto-format source code in many languages using the same command for all languages, instead of learning a different Emacs package and formatting command for each language. Over 70 languages are supported, including Emacs Lisp, Kotlin, Go and Rust.
Seeing Is Believing is a ruby gem to evaluate Ruby code, recording the results of each line. This minor mode provides an easy way to run it from Emacs on the current region or entire buffer.
Helm "Switch-to-REPL" offers the helm-switch-to-repl
action, a generalized and extensible version of helm-ff-switch-to-shell
. It can be added to helm-find-files
and other helm-type-file
sources such as helm-locate
Treemacs is a file and project explorer similar to NeoTree or Vim's NerdTree, but largely inspired by the Project Explorer in Eclipse. It shows the file system outlines of your projects in a simple tree layout allowing quick navigation and exploration, while also possessing basic file management utilities.