_            _    _        _         _
      /\ \         /\ \ /\ \     /\_\      / /\
      \_\ \       /  \ \\ \ \   / / /     / /  \
      /\__ \     / /\ \ \\ \ \_/ / /     / / /\ \__
     / /_ \ \   / / /\ \ \\ \___/ /     / / /\ \___\
    / / /\ \ \ / / /  \ \_\\ \ \_/      \ \ \ \/___/
   / / /  \/_// / /   / / / \ \ \        \ \ \
  / / /      / / /   / / /   \ \ \   _    \ \ \
 / / /      / / /___/ / /     \ \ \ /_/\__/ / /
/_/ /      / / /____\/ /       \ \_\\ \/___/ /
\_\/       \/_________/         \/_/ \_____\/
go-github-com-spf13-cast 1.3.1
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/golang.scm (gnu packages golang)
Home page: https://github.com/spf13/cast
Licenses: Expat
Synopsis: Safe and easy casting from one type to another in Go

Safe and easy casting from one type to another in Go

go-github-com-go-ini-ini 1.67.0
Propagated dependencies: go-github-com-stretchr-testify@1.9.0
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/golang.scm (gnu packages golang)
Home page: https://gopkg.in/ini.v1
Licenses: ASL 2.0
Synopsis: INI file read and write functionality in Go

This package provides INI file read and write functionality in Go.

go-github-com-matryer-is 1.4.1
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/golang-check.scm (gnu packages golang-check)
Home page: https://github.com/matryer/is
Licenses: Expat
Synopsis: Lightweight testing mini-framework for Golang

Package is provides a lightweight extension to the standard library's testing capabilities.

go-github-com-pkg-errors 0.9.1
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/golang.scm (gnu packages golang)
Home page: https://github.com/pkg/errors
Licenses: FreeBSD
Synopsis: Go error handling primitives

This package provides error, which offers simple error handling primitives in Go.

go-github-com-matryer-is 1.4.0
Channel: guixrus
Location: guixrus/packages/misc.scm (guixrus packages misc)
Home page: https://github.com/pitr/jsontokenizer
Licenses: Expat
Synopsis: Lightweight testing mini-framework for Go

go-github-com-matryer-is is a lightweight testing mini-framework for Go.

go-github-com-jackc-pgio 1.0.0
Channel: efraim-dfsg
Location: dfsg/main/golang.scm (dfsg main golang)
Home page: https://github.com/jackc/pgio
Licenses: Expat
Synopsis: pgio

Package pgio is a low-level toolkit building messages in the PostgreSQL wire protocol.

go-github-com-go-chi-chi 1.5.4
Channel: efraim-dfsg
Location: dfsg/main/golang.scm (dfsg main golang)
Home page: https://github.com/go-chi/chi
Licenses: Expat

Package chi is a small, idiomatic and composable router for building HTTP services.

go-github-com-mgutz-ansi 0.0.0-20200706080929-d51e80ef957d
Propagated dependencies: go-github-com-mattn-go-isatty@0.0.20 go-github-com-mattn-go-colorable@0.1.13
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/golang-xyz.scm (gnu packages golang-xyz)
Home page: https://github.com/mgutz/ansi
Licenses: Expat
Synopsis: Small, fast library to create ANSI colored strings and codes

This package provides ansi, a Go module that can generate ANSI colored strings.

go-github-com-jtolds-gls 4.20
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/golang.scm (gnu packages golang)
Home page: https://github.com/jtolds/gls
Licenses: Expat
Synopsis: @code{gls} provides Goroutine local storage

The gls package provides a way to store a retrieve values per-goroutine.

go-github-com-mikioh-tcp 0.0.0-20190314235350-803a9b46060c
Propagated dependencies: go-github-com-mikioh-tcpinfo@0.0.0-20190314235526-30a79bb1804b
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/golang-web.scm (gnu packages golang-web)
Home page: https://github.com/mikioh/tcp
Licenses: FreeBSD
Synopsis: TCP-level socket options implementation in Golang

This package implements a TCP-level socket options that allow manipulation of TCP connection facilities.

go-github-com-nxadm-tail 1.4.8
Propagated dependencies: go-gopkg-in-tomb-v1@1.0.0-20141024135613-dd632973f1e7 go-github-com-fsnotify-fsnotify@1.7.0
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/golang.scm (gnu packages golang)
Home page: https://github.com/nxadm/tail
Licenses: Expat
Synopsis: Go implementation of the functionality of @command{tail -f}

This package provides a Go library for reading from continuously updating files, like tail -f.

go-github-com-dave-ktest 1.1.3
Propagated dependencies: go-github-com-stretchr-testify@1.9.0
Channel: efraim-dfsg
Location: dfsg/main/golang.scm (dfsg main golang)
Home page: https://github.com/dave/ktest
Licenses: Expat Expat
Synopsis: Testify - Thou Shalt Write Tests

Package testify is a set of packages that provide many tools for testifying that your code will behave as you intend.

go-github-com-dave-patsy 0.0.0-20210517141501-957256f50cba
Propagated dependencies: go-github-com-pkg-errors@0.9.1
Channel: efraim-dfsg
Location: dfsg/main/golang.scm (dfsg main golang)
Home page: https://github.com/dave/patsy
Licenses: Expat
Synopsis: Patsy

package patsy is a package helper utility. It allows the conversion of go package paths to filesystem directories and vice versa.

go-github-com-gofrs-uuid 4.3.1
Channel: small-guix
Location: small-guix/packages/papeer.scm (small-guix packages papeer)
Home page: https://github.com/gofrs/uuid
Licenses: Expat
Synopsis: UUID

Package uuid provides implementations of the Universally Unique Identifier (UUID), as specified in RFC-4122 and the Peabody RFC Draft (revision 03).

go-github-com-stellar-go 0.0.0-20191010205648-0fc3bfe3dfa7
Propagated dependencies: go-gopkg-in-check-v1@1.0.0-20201130134442-10cb98267c6c go-google-golang-org-appengine@1.6.7 go-golang-org-x-tools@0.25.0 go-golang-org-x-net@0.29.0 go-golang-org-x-crypto@0.27.0 go-github-com-ziutek-mymysql@1.5.4 go-github-com-yudai-pp@2.0.1-20150810000000-be8315415630 go-github-com-yudai-golcs@0.0.0-20170316035057-ecda9a501e82 go-github-com-yudai-gojsondiff@1.0.0 go-github-com-yalp-jsonpath@0.0.0-20180802001716-5cc68e5049a0 go-github-com-xeipuuv-gojsonschema@1.2.0 go-github-com-xeipuuv-gojsonreference@0.0.0-20180127040603-bd5ef7bd5415 go-github-com-xeipuuv-gojsonpointer@0.0.0-20190905194746-02993c407bfb go-github-com-valyala-fasthttp@1.39.0 go-github-com-valyala-bytebufferpool@1.0.0 go-github-com-stretchr-testify@1.9.0 go-github-com-stellar-go-xdr@0.0.0-20191010205648-0fc3bfe3dfa7 go-github-com-spf13-viper@1.7.0 go-github-com-spf13-pflag@1.0.5 go-github-com-spf13-jwalterweatherman@1.1.0 go-github-com-spf13-cobra@1.8.1 go-github-com-spf13-cast@1.3.1 go-github-com-smartystreets-goconvey@v1.8.1 go-github-com-sirupsen-logrus@1.9.3 go-github-com-shurcool-httpfs@0.0.0-20230704072500-f1e31cf0ba5c go-github-com-sergi-go-diff@1.3.1 go-github-com-segmentio-go-loggly@0.5.0 go-github-com-rs-cors@1.11.1 go-github-com-rcrowley-go-metrics@0.0.0-2.cac0b30 go-github-com-pkg-errors@0.9.1 go-github-com-opentracing-opentracing-go@1.2.0 go-github-com-onsi-gomega@1.33.1 go-github-com-onsi-ginkgo@1.16.5 go-github-com-mitchellh-mapstructure@1.5.0 go-github-com-mitchellh-go-homedir@1.0.0-0.ae18d6b go-github-com-mattn-go-colorable@0.1.13 go-github-com-manucorporat-sse@0.0.0-20160126180136-ee05b128a739 go-github-com-magiconair-properties@1.8.7 go-github-com-lib-pq@1.2.0 go-github-com-kr-text@0.2.0 go-github-com-kr-pretty@0.3.1 go-github-com-klauspost-cpuid@1.2.3 go-github-com-klauspost-compress@1.13.1 go-github-com-k0kubun-colorstring@0.0.0-20150214042306-9440f1994b88 go-github-com-jmespath-go-jmespath@0.4.0 go-github-com-jarcoal-httpmock@1.1.0 go-github-com-inconshreveable-mousetrap@1.0.0 go-github-com-imkira-go-interpol@1.1.0 go-github-com-hashicorp-golang-lru@1.0.2 go-github-com-google-go-querystring@1.1.0 go-github-com-gomodule-redigo@1.8.8 go-github-com-go-ini-ini@1.67.0 go-github-com-go-errors-errors@1.4.2 go-github-com-go-chi-chi@1.5.4 go-github-com-getsentry-raven-go@0.2.0-0.5c24d51 go-github-com-gavv-monotime@0.0.0-20190418164738-30dba4353424 go-github-com-fatih-structs@1.1.0 go-github-com-aws-aws-sdk-go@1.55.2 go-github-com-asaskevich-govalidator@11.0.1 go-github-com-ajg-form@1.5.1 go-github-com-burntsushi-toml@1.4.0
Channel: efraim-dfsg
Location: dfsg/main/golang.scm (dfsg main golang)
Home page: https://github.com/stellar/go
Licenses: ASL 2.0 ASL 2.0
Synopsis: Package Index

This repo is the home for all of the public Go code produced by the @urlhttps://stellar.org,Stellar Development Foundation.

go-github-com-gofrs-uuid 4.4.0
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/golang-xyz.scm (gnu packages golang-xyz)
Home page: https://github.com/gofrs/uuid
Licenses: Expat
Synopsis: UUID package for Golang

Package uuid provides implementations of the Universally Unique Identifier (UUID), as specified in RFC-4122 and the Peabody RFC Draft (revision 03).

go-github-com-rivo-tview 0.0.0-20220703182358-a13d901d3386
Propagated dependencies: go-golang-org-x-term@0.24.0 go-golang-org-x-sys@0.25.0 go-github-com-rivo-uniseg@0.4.7 go-github-com-mattn-go-runewidth@0.0.16 go-github-com-lucasb-eyer-go-colorful@1.2.0 go-github-com-gdamore-tcell@2.7.4
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/golang.scm (gnu packages golang)
Home page: https://github.com/rivo/tview
Licenses: Expat
Synopsis: Rich Interactive Widgets for Terminal UIs

The tview package implements rich widgets for terminal based user interfaces. The widgets provided with this package are useful for data exploration and data entry.

go-github.com-nsf-gothic 0.0.0-0.97dfcc1
Propagated dependencies: tk@8.6.12 tcl@8.6.12
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/tcl.scm (gnu packages tcl)
Home page: https://github.com/nsf/gothic
Licenses: Expat
Synopsis: Tcl/Tk Go bindings

Gothic contains Go bindings for Tcl/Tk. The package contains only one type and one function that can be used to create a Tk interpreter.

go-github-com-k0kubun-pp 3.2.0
Propagated dependencies: go-github-com-mattn-go-colorable@0.1.13 go-golang-org-x-text@0.18.0
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/golang-xyz.scm (gnu packages golang-xyz)
Home page: https://github.com/k0kubun/pp
Licenses: Expat
Synopsis: Colored pretty-printer for Go

This package provides a pretty-printer for Go. The functions defined by pp follow an API similar to fmt and its configuration can be customized globally.

go-github-com-urfave-cli 1.22.2
Propagated dependencies: go-github-com-go-md2man@2.0.0
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/golang.scm (gnu packages golang)
Home page: https://github.com/urfave/cli
Licenses: Expat
Synopsis: Simple, fast, and fun package for building command line apps in Go

cli is a simple, fast, and fun package for building command line apps in Go. The goal is to enable developers to write fast and distributable command line applications in an expressive way.

python-jgart-giturlparse 20211107-0.719f4c8
Channel: gn-bioinformatics
Location: gn/packages/binderlite.scm (gn packages binderlite)
Home page: https://github.com/nephila/giturlparse
Licenses: ASL 2.0
Synopsis: Git URL parsing module

Provides an updated clean_data function for the github platform. See https://github.com/nephila/giturlparse/pull/41. binderlite will be rewritten in Common Lisp. If we stay with Python I recommend switching this library out for python-furl or similar.

go-github-com-go-kit-log 0.2.1
Propagated dependencies: go-github-com-go-logfmt-logfmt@0.6.0
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/golang-xyz.scm (gnu packages golang-xyz)
Home page: https://github.com/go-kit/log
Licenses: Expat
Synopsis: Minimal and extensible structured logger

This package provides a minimal interface for structured logging in services. It may be wrapped to encode conventions, enforce type-safety, provide leveled logging, and so on. It can be used for both typical application log events, and log-structured data streams.

go-github-com-blanu-dust 1.0.1
Propagated dependencies: go-github-com-operatorfoundation-ed25519@0.0.0-0.b22b4bd go-github-com-op-go-logging@1 go-golang-org-x-crypto@0.27.0
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/golang.scm (gnu packages golang)
Home page: https://github.com/blanu/Dust
Licenses: FreeBSD Expat
Synopsis: Censorship-resistant internet transport protocol

Dust is an Internet protocol designed to resist a number of attacks currently in active use to censor Internet communication. While adherence to the theoretical maxims of cryptographic security is observed where possible, the focus of Dust is on real solutions to real attacks.

go-github-com-cretz-bine 0.2.0
Propagated dependencies: go-golang-org-x-crypto@0.27.0 go-golang-org-x-net@0.29.0
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/golang-web.scm (gnu packages golang-web)
Home page: https://github.com/cretz/bine
Licenses: Expat
Synopsis: Accessing and embedding Tor clients and servers from Golang

Bine is a toolkit to assist in creating Tor clients and servers. Features:

  • full support for the Tor controller API

  • support for net.Conn and net.Listen style APIs

  • supports statically compiled Tor to embed Tor into the binary

  • supports v3 onion services

  • support for embedded control socket in Tor >= 0.3.5

Total results: 1560