ghc-servant-server 0.19.2
Dependencies: ghc-constraints@0.13.4 ghc-servant@0.19.1 ghc-http-api-data@0.4.3 ghc-base-compat@0.12.2 ghc-base64-bytestring@ ghc-http-media@ ghc-http-types@0.12.3 ghc-network-uri@ ghc-monad-control@ ghc-network@ ghc-sop-core@ ghc-string-conversions@ ghc-resourcet@1.2.6 ghc-tagged@ ghc-transformers-base@0.4.6 ghc-wai@3.2.3 ghc-wai-app-static@ ghc-word8@0.1.3 ghc-aeson@ ghc-warp@3.3.23
Channel: guix
Home page:
Licenses: Modified BSD
Synopsis: Family of combinators for defining webservices APIs and serving them
This package provides a family of combinators for defining webservices APIs and serving them . You can learn about the basics in the < tutorial>. . < Here> is a runnable example, with comments, that defines a dummy API and implements a webserver that serves this API, using this package. . < CHANGELOG>
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