_            _    _        _         _
      /\ \         /\ \ /\ \     /\_\      / /\
      \_\ \       /  \ \\ \ \   / / /     / /  \
      /\__ \     / /\ \ \\ \ \_/ / /     / / /\ \__
     / /_ \ \   / / /\ \ \\ \___/ /     / / /\ \___\
    / / /\ \ \ / / /  \ \_\\ \ \_/      \ \ \ \/___/
   / / /  \/_// / /   / / / \ \ \        \ \ \
  / / /      / / /   / / /   \ \ \   _    \ \ \
 / / /      / / /___/ / /     \ \ \ /_/\__/ / /
/_/ /      / / /____\/ /       \ \_\\ \/___/ /
\_\/       \/_________/         \/_/ \_____\/
hypre-openmpi 2.20.0
Dependencies: openmpi@4.1.6 openblas@0.3.20
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/maths.scm (gnu packages maths)
Home page: https://computing.llnl.gov/projects/hypre-scalable-linear-solvers-multigrid-methods
Licenses: LGPL 2.1
Synopsis: Parallel solvers and preconditioners for linear equations

HYPRE is a software library of high performance preconditioners and solvers for the solution of large, sparse linear systems of equations on parallel computers. It features parallel multigrid solvers for both structured and unstructured grid problems.

Total results: 1