kded 6.5.0
Dependencies: kconfig@6.5.0 kcoreaddons@6.5.0 kcrash@6.5.0 kdbusaddons@6.5.0 kdoctools@6.5.0 kservice@6.5.0 qtbase@6.7.2
Channel: guix
Home page: https://community.kde.org/Frameworks
Synopsis: Central daemon of KDE work spaces
KDED stands for KDE Daemon. KDED runs in the background and performs a number of small tasks. Some of these tasks are built in, others are started on demand.
kded 5.116.0
Dependencies: kconfig@5.116.0 kcoreaddons@5.116.0 kcrash@5.116.0 kdbusaddons@5.116.0 kdoctools@5.116.0 kservice@5.116.0 qtbase@5.15.15
Channel: guix
Home page: https://community.kde.org/Frameworks
Synopsis: Central daemon of KDE work spaces
KDED stands for KDE Daemon. KDED runs in the background and performs a number of small tasks. Some of these tasks are built in, others are started on demand.
Total results: 2