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pioman 2024-11-21
Propagated dependencies: puk@2024-11-21 hwloc@2.11.2
Channel: guix-hpc
Location: guix-hpc/packages/mpi.scm (guix-hpc packages mpi)
Home page: https://pm2.gitlabpages.inria.fr/pioman
Licenses: GPL 2
Synopsis: A Generic I/O Manager

PIOMan is an I/O event manager of the PM2 software suite. It ensures communication progression using available cores and hooks in thread scheduler. It guarantees good reactivity, asynchronous communication progression, and communication/computation overlap. PIOMan is closely integrated with the NewMadeleine communication library and PadicoTM. It works with three flavors of thread scheduling: no thread, pthread, and Marcel. The pthread flavor may be composed with various runtime systems such as OpenMP. PIOMan can be used standalone to bring low level asynchronous progression in a communication library, or more simply may be used through the NewMadeleine communication library and its companion MPI implementation called Mad-MPI supporting MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE multi-threading level.

Total results: 1