Biopython is a set of tools for biological computation including parsers for bioinformatics files into Python data structures; interfaces to common bioinformatics programs; a standard sequence class and tools for performing common operations on them; code to perform data classification; code for dealing with alignments; code making it easy to split up parallelizable tasks into separate processes; and more.
Biopython is a set of tools for biological computation including parsers for bioinformatics files into Python data structures; interfaces to common bioinformatics programs; a standard sequence class and tools for performing common operations on them; code to perform data classification; code for dealing with alignments; code making it easy to split up parallelizable tasks into separate processes; and more.
Biopython is a set of tools for biological computation including parsers for bioinformatics files into Python data structures; interfaces to common bioinformatics programs; a standard sequence class and tools for performing common operations on them; code to perform data classification; code for dealing with alignments; code making it easy to split up parallelizable tasks into separate processes; and more.