_            _    _        _         _
      /\ \         /\ \ /\ \     /\_\      / /\
      \_\ \       /  \ \\ \ \   / / /     / /  \
      /\__ \     / /\ \ \\ \ \_/ / /     / / /\ \__
     / /_ \ \   / / /\ \ \\ \___/ /     / / /\ \___\
    / / /\ \ \ / / /  \ \_\\ \ \_/      \ \ \ \/___/
   / / /  \/_// / /   / / / \ \ \        \ \ \
  / / /      / / /   / / /   \ \ \   _    \ \ \
 / / /      / / /___/ / /     \ \ \ /_/\__/ / /
/_/ /      / / /____\/ /       \ \_\\ \/___/ /
\_\/       \/_________/         \/_/ \_____\/
python-enlighten 1.12.4
Propagated dependencies: python-blessed@1.20.0 python-prefixed@0.7.0
Channel: gn-bioinformatics
Location: gn/packages/python.scm (gn packages python)
Home page: https://github.com/Rockhopper-Technologies/enlighten
Licenses: MPL 2.0
Synopsis: Console progress bar library

python-enlighten is a console progress bar library for Python. The main advantage of Enlighten is that it allows writing to stdout and stderr without any redirection or additional code---just print or log as you normally would. Enlighten also includes experimental support for Jupyter Notebooks.

python-enlighten 1.12.4
Propagated dependencies: python-backports.functools-lru-cache@2.0.0 python-blessed@1.20.0 python-prefixed@0.7.0
Channel: kbg
Location: kbg/packages/python-xyz.scm (kbg packages python-xyz)
Home page: https://github.com/Rockhopper-Technologies/enlighten
Licenses: MPL 2.0
Synopsis: Enlighten Progress Bar

Enlighten Progress Bar

Total results: 2