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      /\ \         /\ \ /\ \     /\_\      / /\
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/_/ /      / / /____\/ /       \ \_\\ \/___/ /
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python-fenics-ffc 2019.1.0.post0
Propagated dependencies: python-fenics-dijitso@2019.1.0 python-fenics-fiat@2019.1.0 python-fenics-ufl@2019.1.0
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/simulation.scm (gnu packages simulation)
Home page: https://bitbucket.org/fenics-project/ffc/
Licenses: Public Domain LGPL 3+
Synopsis: Compiler for finite element variational forms

The FEniCS Form Compiler (FFC) is a compiler for finite element variational forms. From a high-level description of the form, it generates efficient low-level C++ code that can be used to assemble the corresponding discrete operator (tensor). In particular, a bilinear form may be assembled into a matrix and a linear form may be assembled into a vector. FFC may be used either from the command line (by invoking the ffc command) or as a Python module (import ffc).

FFC is part of the FEniCS Project.

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