r-genomicfeatures 1.58.0
Propagated dependencies: r-annotationdbi@1.68.0 r-biocgenerics@0.52.0 r-biostrings@2.74.0 r-dbi@1.2.3 r-genomeinfodb@1.42.0 r-genomicranges@1.58.0 r-iranges@2.40.0 r-rtracklayer@1.66.0 r-s4vectors@0.44.0 r-xvector@0.46.0
Channel: guix
Licenses: Artistic License 2.0
Synopsis: Tools for working with transcript centric annotations
This package provides a set of tools and methods for making and manipulating transcript centric annotations. With these tools the user can easily download the genomic locations of the transcripts, exons and cds of a given organism, from either the UCSC Genome Browser or a BioMart database (more sources will be supported in the future). This information is then stored in a local database that keeps track of the relationship between transcripts, exons, cds and genes. Flexible methods are provided for extracting the desired features in a convenient format.
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