sbcl-prompter 0.1.1-0.7890ed5
Dependencies: sbcl-alexandria@1.4-0.009b7e5 sbcl-calispel@0.1-1.e9f2f9c sbcl-cl-containers@0.12.1-4.781ebfe sbcl-cl-str@0.21 sbcl-closer-mop@1.0.0-3.7b86f2a sbcl-lparallel@2.8.4-1.80fc295 sbcl-moptilities@0.3.13-1.a436f16 sbcl-nclasses@0.6.1 sbcl-serapeum@0.0.0-12.c08442a sbcl-trivial-package-local-nicknames@0.2
Channel: guix
Home page:
Licenses: Modified BSD
Synopsis: Live-narrowing, fuzzy-matching, extensible prompt framework
This prompter library is heavily inspired by Emacs' minibuffer and Helm ( It only deals with the backend side of things, it does not handle any display. Features include asynchronous suggestion computation, multiple sources, actions and resumable prompters.
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