SuiteSparse is a suite of sparse matrix algorithms, including: UMFPACK, multifrontal LU factorization; CHOLMOD, supernodal Cholesky; SPQR, multifrontal QR; KLU and BTF, sparse LU factorization, well-suited for circuit simulation; ordering methods (AMD, CAMD, COLAMD, and CCOLAMD); CSparse and CXSparse, a concise sparse Cholesky factorization package; and many other packages.
This package contains all of the above-mentioned parts.
SuiteSparse is a suite of sparse matrix algorithms, including: UMFPACK, multifrontal LU factorization; CHOLMOD, supernodal Cholesky; SPQR, multifrontal QR; KLU and BTF, sparse LU factorization, well-suited for circuit simulation; ordering methods (AMD, CAMD, COLAMD, and CCOLAMD); CSparse and CXSparse, a concise sparse Cholesky factorization package; and many other packages.
This package contains all of the above-mentioned parts.