_            _    _        _         _
      /\ \         /\ \ /\ \     /\_\      / /\
      \_\ \       /  \ \\ \ \   / / /     / /  \
      /\__ \     / /\ \ \\ \ \_/ / /     / / /\ \__
     / /_ \ \   / / /\ \ \\ \___/ /     / / /\ \___\
    / / /\ \ \ / / /  \ \_\\ \ \_/      \ \ \ \/___/
   / / /  \/_// / /   / / / \ \ \        \ \ \
  / / /      / / /   / / /   \ \ \   _    \ \ \
 / / /      / / /___/ / /     \ \ \ /_/\__/ / /
/_/ /      / / /____\/ /       \ \_\\ \/___/ /
\_\/       \/_________/         \/_/ \_____\/
python-ipdb 0.13.9
Propagated dependencies: python-ipython@8.29.0 python-toml@0.10.2 python-decorator@5.0.9
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/python-xyz.scm (gnu packages python-xyz)
Home page: https://github.com/gotcha/ipdb
Licenses: Modified BSD
Synopsis: IPython-enhanced Python debugger (pdb)

ipdb exports functions to access the IPython debugger, which features tab completion, syntax highlighting, better tracebacks and better introspection than Python's standard pdb debugger, with which it shares the same interface.

python-rstr 2.2.6
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/python-xyz.scm (gnu packages python-xyz)
Home page: https://github.com/leapfrogonline/rstr
Licenses: Modified BSD
Synopsis: Generate random strings in Python

This package provides a python module for generating random strings of various types. It could be useful for fuzz testing, generating dummy data, or other applications. It has no dependencies outside the standard library.

python-amqp 5.1.1
Propagated dependencies: python-vine@5.1.0
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/python-xyz.scm (gnu packages python-xyz)
Home page: https://github.com/celery/py-amqp
Licenses: LGPL 2.1+
Synopsis: Low-level AMQP client for Python (fork of amqplib)

This is a fork of amqplib which was originally written by Barry Pederson. It is maintained by the Celery project, and used by kombu as a pure python alternative when librabbitmq is not available.

python-rply 0.7.8
Propagated dependencies: python-appdirs@1.4.4
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/python-xyz.scm (gnu packages python-xyz)
Home page: https://github.com/alex/rply
Licenses: Modified BSD
Synopsis: Parser generator for Python

This package provides a pure Python based parser generator, that also works with RPython. It is a more-or-less direct port of David Bazzley's PLY, with a new public API, and RPython support.

python-pint 0.23
Propagated dependencies: python-typing-extensions@4.10.0 python-uncertainties@3.1.5
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/python-xyz.scm (gnu packages python-xyz)
Home page: https://github.com/hgrecco/pint
Licenses: Modified BSD
Synopsis: Physical quantities module

Pint is a Python package to define, operate and manipulate physical quantities: the product of a numerical value and a unit of measurement. It allows arithmetic operations between them and conversions from and to different units.

python-nltk 3.6.2
Propagated dependencies: python-click@8.1.7 python-joblib@1.4.2 python-regex@2022.1.18 python-tqdm@4.67.1
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/python-xyz.scm (gnu packages python-xyz)
Home page: http://nltk.org/
Licenses: ASL 2.0
Synopsis: Natural Language Toolkit

It provides interfaces to over 50 corpora and lexical resources such as WordNet, along with a suite of text processing libraries for classification, tokenization, stemming, tagging, parsing, and semantic reasoning, wrappers for natural language processing libraries.

python-rpy2 2.9.6b0
Dependencies: icu4c@71.1 libdeflate@1.19 pcre@8.45 python-numpy@1.24.4 readline@8.1.2 r-minimal@4.4.2 r-survival@3.7-0 r-ggplot2@3.5.1 r-rsqlite@2.3.7 r-dplyr@1.1.4 r-dbplyr@2.5.0 zlib@1.3
Propagated dependencies: python-cffi@1.17.1 python-six@1.16.0 python-jinja2@3.1.2 python-numpy@1.24.4 python-pandas@2.2.3 python-pytz@2023.3.post1 python-ipython@8.29.0 python-tzlocal@5.2
Channel: gn-bioinformatics
Location: gn/packages/python.scm (gn packages python)
Home page: https://rpy2.github.io
Licenses: MPL 2.0 GPL 2+ LGPL 2.1+
Synopsis: Python interface to the R language

rpy2 is a redesign and rewrite of rpy. It is providing a low-level interface to R from Python, a proposed high-level interface, including wrappers to graphical libraries, as well as R-like structures and functions.

python-drep 3.2.0
Propagated dependencies: python-biopython@1.80 python-matplotlib@3.8.2 python-numpy@1.24.4 python-pandas@2.2.3 python-pytest@8.3.3 python-scikit-learn@1.4.2 python-seaborn@0.13.1 python-tqdm@4.67.1
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/bioinformatics.scm (gnu packages bioinformatics)
Home page: https://github.com/MrOlm/drep
Licenses: Expat
Synopsis: De-replication of microbial genomes assembled from multiple samples

dRep is a Python program for rapidly comparing large numbers of genomes. dRep can also "de-replicate" a genome set by identifying groups of highly similar genomes and choosing the best representative genome for each genome set.

python-mox3 0.24.0
Propagated dependencies: python-fixtures@3.0.0 python-pbr@5.5.1
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/openstack.scm (gnu packages openstack)
Home page: https://www.openstack.org/
Licenses: ASL 2.0
Synopsis: Mock object framework for Python

Mox3 is an unofficial port of the Google mox framework to Python 3. It was meant to be as compatible with mox as possible, but small enhancements have been made.

python-cram 0.7
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/python-xyz.scm (gnu packages python-xyz)
Home page: https://bitheap.org/cram/
Licenses: GPL 2+
Synopsis: Simple testing framework for command line applications

Cram is a functional testing framework for command line applications. Cram tests look like snippets of interactive shell sessions. Cram runs each command and compares the command output in the test with the command’s actual output.

python-rope 1.13.0
Propagated dependencies: python-pytoolconfig@1.3.1
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/python-xyz.scm (gnu packages python-xyz)
Home page: https://github.com/python-rope/rope
Licenses: LGPL 3+
Synopsis: Refactoring library for Python

Rope is a refactoring library for Python. It facilitates the renaming, moving and extracting of attributes, functions, modules, fields and parameters in Python source code. These refactorings can also be applied to occurrences in strings and comments.

python-rpy2 3.5.17
Dependencies: icu4c@71.1 libdeflate@1.19 pcre@8.45 python-numpy@1.24.4 readline@8.1.2 r-minimal@4.4.2 r-survival@3.7-0 r-ggplot2@3.5.1 r-rsqlite@2.3.7 r-dplyr@1.1.4 r-dbplyr@2.5.0 zlib@1.3
Propagated dependencies: python-cffi@1.17.1 python-six@1.16.0 python-jinja2@3.1.2 python-numpy@1.24.4 python-pandas@2.2.3 python-pytz@2023.3.post1 python-ipython@8.29.0 python-tzlocal@5.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/statistics.scm (gnu packages statistics)
Home page: https://rpy2.github.io
Licenses: MPL 2.0 GPL 2+ LGPL 2.1+
Synopsis: Python interface to the R language

rpy2 is a redesign and rewrite of rpy. It is providing a low-level interface to R from Python, a proposed high-level interface, including wrappers to graphical libraries, as well as R-like structures and functions.

Dependencies: sqlite@3.46.0
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/databases.scm (gnu packages databases)
Home page: https://github.com/rogerbinns/apsw/
Licenses: Zlib
Synopsis: Another Python SQLite Wrapper

APSW is a Python wrapper for the SQLite embedded relational database engine. In contrast to other wrappers such as pysqlite it focuses on being a minimal layer over SQLite attempting just to translate the complete SQLite API into Python.

python-onnx 1.16.2
Dependencies: protobuf@3.21.9
Propagated dependencies: python-numpy@1.24.4 python-protobuf@3.20.2 python-six@1.16.0 python-tabulate@0.9.0 python-typing-extensions@4.10.0
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/machine-learning.scm (gnu packages machine-learning)
Home page: https://onnx.ai/
Licenses: Expat
Synopsis: Open Neural Network Exchange

ONNX is a format for AI models, both deep learning and traditional ML. It defines an extensible computation graph model, as well as definitions of built-in operators and standard data types.

python-tdda 2.0.9
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/python-science.scm (gnu packages python-science)
Home page: https://www.stochasticsolutions.com
Licenses: Expat
Synopsis: Test-driven data analysis library for Python

The TDDA Python module provides command-line and Python API support for the overall process of data analysis, through tools that peform reference testing, constraint discovery for data, automatic inference of regular expressions from text data and automatic test generation.

python-cppy 1.2.1
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/python-xyz.scm (gnu packages python-xyz)
Home page: https://github.com/nucleic/cppy
Licenses: Modified BSD
Synopsis: C++ header library for Python extension modules

This package is a small C++ header library which makes it easier to write Python extension modules. The primary feature is a PyObject smart pointer which automatically handles reference counting and provides convenience methods for performing common object operations.

python-trio 0.27.0
Propagated dependencies: python-async-generator@1.10 python-attrs@24.2.0 python-cffi@1.17.1 python-exceptiongroup@1.1.1 python-idna@3.3 python-outcome@1.2.0 python-sniffio@1.3.1 python-sortedcontainers@2.4.0
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/python-xyz.scm (gnu packages python-xyz)
Home page: https://github.com/python-trio/trio
Licenses: Expat ASL 2.0
Synopsis: Friendly Python library for async concurrency and I/O

Trio strives to be a production-quality, async/await-native I/O library for Python. Like all async libraries, its main purpose is to help you write programs that do multiple things at the same time with parallelized I/O.

python-jwst 1.16.1
Propagated dependencies: opencv@4.10.0 python-asdf@4.0.0 python-asdf-astropy@0.7.0 python-astropy@6.1.7 python-bayesicfitting@3.2.3 python-crds@12.0.8 python-drizzle@2.0.0 python-gwcs@0.22.1 python-importlib-metadata@5.2.0 python-jplephem@2.22 python-jsonschema@4.23.0 python-numpy@1.24.4 python-packaging@24.2 python-photutils@2.0.2 python-poppy@1.1.1 python-psutil@5.9.2 python-pyparsing@3.0.6 python-pysiaf@0.24.1 python-requests@2.31.0 python-scikit-image@0.23.2 python-scipy@1.12.0 python-spherical-geometry@1.3.2 python-stcal@1.10.0 python-stdatamodels@2.2.0 python-stpipe@0.8.0 python-stsci-image@2.3.9 python-stsci-imagestats@1.8.3 python-synphot@1.5.0 python-tweakwcs@0.8.9 python-wiimatch@0.3.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/astronomy.scm (gnu packages astronomy)
Home page: https://jwst-pipeline.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
Licenses: Modified BSD
Synopsis: Python library for science observations from the James Webb Space Telescope

This package provides an access to the JWST Science Calibration Pipeline processes data from all JWST instruments and observing modes by applying various science corrections sequentially, producing both fully-calibrated individual exposures and high-level data products (mosaics, extracted spectra, etc.).

python-drms 0.8.0
Propagated dependencies: python-numpy@1.24.4 python-pandas@2.2.3
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/astronomy.scm (gnu packages astronomy)
Home page: https://sunpy.org
Licenses: FreeBSD
Synopsis: Access astronomical HMI, AIA and MDI data with Python

DRMS module provides an easy-to-use interface for accessing HMI, AIA and MDI data with Python. It uses the publicly accessible JSOC (http://jsoc.stanford.edu/) DRMS server by default, but can also be used with local NetDRMS sites.

python-xsge 2021.10.11
Propagated dependencies: python-sge@2.0.2
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/game-development.scm (gnu packages game-development)
Home page: https://python-sge.github.io/
Licenses: LGPL 3+
Synopsis: Extensions for the SGE Game Engine

xSGE is a collection of modules that make doing certain tasks with the SGE Game Engine easier. In addition to SGE's conveniences, the user has access to a GUI toolkit, lighting and physics frameworks and Tiled TMX format support.

python-pgpy 0.6.0
Propagated dependencies: python-cryptography@42.0.5 python-pyasn1@0.4.8
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/python-crypto.scm (gnu packages python-crypto)
Home page: https://github.com/SecurityInnovation/PGPy
Licenses: Modified BSD
Synopsis: Python implementation of OpenPGP

Currently, PGPy can load keys and signatures of all kinds in both ASCII armored and binary formats.

It can create and verify RSA, DSA, and ECDSA signatures, at the moment. It can also encrypt and decrypt messages using RSA and ECDH.

python-jose 3.3.0
Propagated dependencies: python-cryptography@42.0.5 python-ecdsa@0.19.0 python-rsa@3.4.2 python-six@1.16.0
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/python-web.scm (gnu packages python-web)
Home page: https://github.com/mpdavis/python-jose
Licenses: Expat
Synopsis: JOSE implementation in Python

The JavaScript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) technologies - JSON Web Signature (JWS), JSON Web Encryption (JWE), JSON Web Key (JWK), and JSON Web Algorithms (JWA) - collectively can be used to encrypt and/or sign content using a variety of algorithms.

python-face 20.1.1
Propagated dependencies: python-boltons@23.0.0
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/python-xyz.scm (gnu packages python-xyz)
Home page: https://github.com/mahmoud/face
Licenses: Modified BSD
Synopsis: CLI parsing and dispatching microframework

python-face is a Pythonic microframework for building command-line applications.

  • First-class subcommand support

  • Powerful middleware architecture

  • Separate parser layer

  • Built-in flagfile support

  • Handy testing utilities

  • Themeable help display

python-unyt 3.0.1
Propagated dependencies: python-h5py@3.8.0 python-matplotlib@3.8.2 python-numpy@1.24.4 python-sympy@1.11.1
Channel: guix
Location: gnu/packages/python-science.scm (gnu packages python-science)
Home page: https://unyt.readthedocs.io
Licenses: Modified BSD
Synopsis: Library for working with data that has physical units

unyt is a Python library working with data that has physical units. It defines the unyt.array.unyt_array and unyt.array.unyt_quantity classess (subclasses of NumPy’s ndarray class) for handling arrays and scalars with units,respectively

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